Mitej Teji


-Mitej Teji

(THE ASIAN INDEPENDENT)- The first election phase which contains seven voting sessions is finally coming to an end. The seventh session is taking place on the 1st June 2024 and the results will be announced on the 4th June. It has surprised many to see Mr Modi Ji, appearing on the TV screens. He has not done this in the last two elections. It seems people’s togetherness in oppose of the BJP has compelled him to do so.

A lot of annoyance is present against the Election Commission because the public feel’s that the Commission has failed to conduct a fair election. The transparency that the Election Commission assured is not visible. The social media and the public have raised concern but their cries have fallen on deaf ears.

Prior to Rahul Gandhi Ji’s first Bharat Jodo Yatra, everything was working in Mr Modi Ji’s favour. The lower end of the society was living under fear and were voiceless. Lynching and raping of the poor was happening daily. FIRs of the victims were not being registered and the offenders were let to roam free. There was a total disorder against the minorities. All was pointing to easy victory of the BJP in 2024.

Then two Yatras took place those have helped the public to overcome fear and regain confidence. Rahul Gandhi Ji deserves credit for bringing this change via his two Yatras those have not only stopped Mr Modi’s progress but have also compelled him to appear in the TV interviews.

The future of India depends on this election. Whether it remains Democratic will be known on the 4th June’s results. A lot of dismay is present within the public in manner the Election Commission has behaved and conducted this election.

Unthinkable has been happening in this election such as a son of MP has casted votes eight times for the BJP and he had made it public via social media. The candidates of the BJP and the Police in some areas were seen checking identity of the voters. This was being done to slow down the voting flow because the majority was in favour of the other parties.

In some polling stations, EVMs have been in question? A transporter bringing replacement of EVMs has been caught. Polling booths have been raided by one particular party and the Police have stood by and failed to intervene. Taking all this into account, it shows that the first phase of the 2024 election has not been as was promised by the Election Commission. The second phase is going to take place at a later date.

On the 4th June the results for the first phase are to be announced. If the results are different to Mr Modi Ji’s expectance, will he accept them with integrity or stand and protest against them. The public feels that he may go to extreme to remain in power.

If this happens then it would be attack on the Democracy in India. All the previous Prime Ministers with integrity have left the office. Using of force to remain in position is going to attract worldwide attention. The whole world admires India for it’s Constitution and in gratitude Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Ji’s statues are being built throughout the world.

Even China is going to build Baba Sahib Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Ji’s Statue which is going to be the highest statue in the world. The Indian Constitution, since Independence has built India from nothing to everything so it must be preserved. Without it, India’s future looks very bleak.

Within 75 years since India’s Independence, India had massively progressed but unfortunately all the assets now are being sold to a couple of the selected corporations at knock down prices. Under this Government the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

On the 1st June 2024, the seventh voting session is also going to take place in Varanasi. Mr. Modi Ji is also contesting here and the charm he had in the last two elections is not visible. The voters are not happy with his output because they feel that he has failed to fulfil the promises he made in2014 and 2019.

They are annoyed because about 200 religious mandirs have been knocked down those had ancient history attached to them. Their religious sentiments have been hurt and their anger is going to have a big effect on the votes they cast.

The promises to uplift of the poor are again being made. For their votes, the candidates are going to their areas and making promises as usual but upon success their issues are shelved. This has been ongoing since Independence.

Since Independence, the MPs have lined their pockets and the Laws need to be adjusted to stop them doing this through corruptive ways. The Parliamentarians are the root cause to corruption in India. Their greed is the reason why the poor have remained poor and they have become richer.

Which ever Government comes in power on the 4th June should take this into account that the public has now become aware of the corruptive ways through which their taxes and funds are being misused. So, the poor will be looking for improvement which has lacked since Independence.

I.N.D.I.A is now amalgamation of many parties and it is hoped by millions that it will bring the changes those India has lacked since INDEPENDENCE.

India’s Constitution needs to be saved to keep India a Democratic Country. Without it, India is going to fall apart and will take a lot of sacrifices to put together again. INDIA needs you now to stop it from sinking back into dark age again.

Jai Bharat.
Mitej Teji