Mitej Teji


(Asian Independent)- 

 All unthinkable is happening in India.  To gain votes rules are being broken.  The ruling BJP Government has taken complete control over nearly all the authorities. The Police and the Election agencies are bending the rules to ascertain BJP’s victory.

Since 2014 the ruling Government under the slogan of Jai Shree Ram has very intentionally spread hatred. The Police and the Agencies had buried so much fear within the hearts of the public that no one dare speak against the Government because either they will get locked in the prison or have their properties bulldozed.

Then on the scene came the Kisaans meaning the farmers from Punjab who stood in oppose of the three Agriculture laws put forward by the Government without any consultation. They started their protest in Punjab but failed to get any recognition so they brought it to Delhi.

The Government refused their entry into officially allocated areas for the protests in Delhi.  So, they parked on the outskirts of Delhi.  The Government did all in their power to stop them from reaching Delhi.  They even erected barriers and stationed large Police force in Haryana but they came through.

They reached Delhi but the allocated vicinities for protests were withdrawn in hope that they will return back but they remained.  The Media started to spread hatred against the Kisaans but their propaganda failed to have any effect.  They presented them as the terrorists but the public had a different view and sympathised with them.

The protest lasted for many months and upon admittance of Honourable Narender Modi that he is withdrawing back the three Agriculture Laws, the protest ended.

Over five hundred lives were lost during the protest and they returned back with confidence that they have stopped the disastrous step through which their lands would have eventually landed into the hands of the selected few.

In that period another incident also came to light.  Guru Ravi Dass Ji’s Mandir in Tulkabaag – Delhi was knocked down. The Ravidassia and the Valmikian Communities worldwide jointly demonstrated.  In India, the Ravidassia, the Valmikian and the Bhim Army stood together and faced this evilness.

The Government wanted to recapture all the land donated to Guru Ravi Dass Ji in his time by the King of Delhi Sikandar Lodhi.   Following protest, the land for the Mandir has remained in the Ravidassia community’s possession.  The whole incident was covered and transmitted by Kanshi TV, England, UK.

This shows that in time of need the Ravidassia, the Valmikian and the Bhim Army do stand together because they are all attached to Naag Vansh.  About Naag Vansh, Dr Ambedkar has mentioned in his books.

The Police, the Election Agencies and the Law Courts commence their services under oath that they will fulfil their duties as per the Constitution. 

But now it seems they are working against it.  Surely, they know that their wages are coming from the Public taxes and in return the Public seeks for fair justice from the Courts and not the lathi attacks from the Police.

The Public is above the Government.  They have put them into the Parliament through their votes to improve welfare, employment and promote stability in India.  Many Politicians instead of doing this, remain silent in the Parliament to make most of the opportunity they have had.

The poor since Independence have remained poor and nearly all the politicians have ended with colossal amount in their banks and own large properties.  The reason to this is Politician greed. If we had leaders like late Prime Minister Lal Behadur Shastri then the scale of poverty would not be as heavy as it is now.

During British Raj in India, using of lathis was introduced to disperse the gatherings rallying for the India’s Independence.  Following a long struggle and strive India became Independent in 1947 but the lathi charge has remained.

Since Independence the Governments have used it to break peaceful demonstrations against them. During the British Raj they were used against the Indians but now the Indians (Kale Angrez) are using upon their own kind.

This law should have been scraped after the Independence but as informed it was kept to maintain law and order. The truth is now coming out that it was kept to instigate fear and this is happening now.

On every peaceful demonstration, the barriers are being erected, the Police and the Army is seen well geared up with the lathi sticks. How the Police is using their lathi sticks on the fellow Indians is indeed shocking.  It is like living in the times of British Raj.

They are as ruthless as the British were in their time. The freedom fighters who have fought and freed India from the clutches of the British Raj would be ashamed to see what is now going on in India.

The situation has got from bad to worse and now even the senior Supreme Court Advocates have come out on the roads to save the Constitution. Their cry is that this is the last chance to save the Constitution and to protect India from slipping back into slavery.

Some anchors on the main stream TV channels are misleading public through their propaganda that if they have faith in Dharma then they do not need to go to the hospital or the doctor.

A family following their propaganda took their child for religious dips in a holy river but has resulted in their child’s death.  Furthermore, the family has been prosecuted. This news has come up on the social media. As informed, the child needed hospital care.

The poor as to their circumstances cannot afford expensive medical treatment so fall victim to such propaganda by the presenters and the anchors.  The public is being misled by these people who are doing this to promote Dharma and to gain votes for BJP.

This will only stop if the Government Hospitals giving free treatment are built.  There are millions in India who are not in position to afford medical treatment.

They are living on five kilos of ration donated per family. Under the conditions they are surviving, any treatment is beyond their reach so they get attracted to the propaganda dished out by these TV presenters.

Finally, India is in a dire situation and needs all to unite and save the Constitutionto stop India from slipping back into dark age.

Jai Bharat.

Mitej Teji, Bedford