‘EU economy greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 down by 9%’

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Brussels, (Asian independent) Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission generated by economic activity in the European Union (EU) in 2020 decreased by nine per cent compared to the previous year, according to data published by EU’s statistics office Eurostat.

The figure is 24 per cent down from the year 2008, the first available reference year, Xinhua news agency reported, citing the Eurostat.

The total amount of GHG generated by EU production activities and households went down from more than 4.5 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents in 2008 to 3.5 billion tonnes in 2020.

The biggest decrease was recorded in the field of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, which recorded a fall of 41 per cent between 2008 and 2020.

Manufacturing also recorded a sharp decrease in its GHG emissions between 2008 and 2020, with 276 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent less.

In 2020, manufacturing, households as well as electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply were the biggest emitters of GHG – all stood around the 700 million CO2 equivalents mark.

The top three countries emitting the most GHG in 2020 were Germany with almost 795 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents, France, with almost 406 million tonnes, and Italy with 393 million tonnes.

The EU has been trying to cut down its GHG emissions in order to fight climate change. The Green Deal, an ambitious program aiming at cutting carbon emissions by 55 per cent in 2030 compared to 1990 levels and to make Europe the first carbon-free continent by 2050, was launched in 2020.

The European Commission has begun consultations with the member states on a draft text of a Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act covering certain gas and nuclear activities.

The EU Taxonomy guides and mobilizes private investment in activities that are needed to achieve climate neutrality in the next 30 years. The existing energy mix in Europe varies from one member state to another. Some parts of Europe are still heavily based on high carbon-emitting coal.