Mitej Teji

-M. Teji

(Asian Independent)- India is going through drastic changes since announcing by the BJP that they wants to replace the present Constitution drafted by Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar that has put India in World recognition and has supported all regardless of caste, culture or creed.

Majority of the population is standing in oppose to this because since BJP’s take over in 2014 they have failed to fulfill the promises they had made. The poor voted in BJP’s favour in hope that it will bring the changes they were assuring. Unfortunately, their hopes have been shattered and are extremely upset.

But now the BJP is finding different ways to hide their mistakes. A lot of muscle and force is being used. This shows that the BJP is prepared to go to any length to establish the Hindu Rashtra in India.

On the other hand, the population has become much wiser and have started to understand that the Governments are not interested in their welfare but only in their votes. During election period their chapter is opened and upon success is shut again. This has been ongoing since India had gained Independence.

Making of Hindu Rashtra should be taken as an awakening call. Since 2014 the rape, mob lynching, abuse and molestation have increased. Is this going to be a general practice in India if it becomes Hindu Rashtra? The rich have got richer and the poor have become poorer. The murderers by joining the BJP are now walking free. Is this type of ruling going to be promoted through the introduction of this new Constitution?

Many Hindus have now started to join other religions. In large number are becoming Buddhists, Christians and some are even diverting to Muslim faith. Many are also going abroad. Under cry of Jai Shree Ram, the upper caste is committing heinous crimes against the lower caste Hindus. The lower caste Hindus have now started to join other religions to escape tormenting of the higher caste Hindus.

The Valmikian Community is again being used as a platform by some to fulfill their own agendas. Mahatma Gandhi Ji did the same. He sheltered in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir ~ Delhi for a few months to prove of his solidarity for the Dalits.

Now by some, Bhagwan Valmiki is being put forward as a Brahmin. Different stories are being invented. The religious records in the past have been altered and same is happening now. Records were altered then and again now are being altered to downgrade Bhagwan Valmiki Ji.

How come, the Valmikians have become lowest of the low when the history speaks of their bravery, skills and knowledge since ancient times? It seems all the eyes in India have always been focused on the Valmikians to stop them progressing but their deeds have been beyond their imagination. That is why they are still around today.

Now Bhagwan Valmiki Ji again is being tagged as a Brahmin. An end to this was put through Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji’s research. The Valmikians went through a lot of struggles to prove that there has been only one Valmiki and this invented story of two Valmikis has been put forward to downgrade Bhagwan Valmiki Ji. Their claim was that the one who wrote Ramayana was a Brahmin and the other who was a dacoit belonged to the Valmikians.

This was not acceptable to the Valmikian Leaders of that time and includes my Late father Shree Hazara Ram Teji. My late father founded The Naag Vansh Adhivasi Bharati Sewa Dal – Bedford – England – UK in the year 1966 and fought in the courts on false allegations against Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and the Valmikian Community.

It is with deep regret, I have to say that to what we have put an end in the past is now again being rebooted. The Valmikians can see right through that to establish their own agendas Bhagwan Valmiki Ji is being targeted. The Valmikians stood in 1947 and now will stand again.

Getting together of the Valmikan and the Ravidassia brotherhood is very important at this time. To show that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and Satguru Ravidass Ji are from the native breed, a special poster IK JOT DE DO PRAKASH PRABHU VALMIKI – GURU RAVIDASS is being promoted in India.

I started this movement about ten years ago. Ten years ago I explained to Mohinder Mahedu sahib, proprietor of Sach Da Suraj (India) that the time has come to unite Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and Satguru Ravidass ji under one umbrella. We need Bhajans to promote this movement and he took it on board.

Later Bibi Satya Mehmi (UK) and TV & Radio artist Sukhdev Jassi (UK) also came on board. Through our joint output, now amalgamation between the Valmikian and the Ravidassia brotherhood can be seen.

To promote IK JOT DO PRAKASH PRABHU VALMIKI GURU RAVIDASS, on my special request Gianni Gurmit Singh Ji sung Khat Karam Kal Sanjugat Hai as introductory Shabad whenever he did Kirtan in the Bhagwan Valmiki Mandirs.

I also wish to thank Samaj Weekily for publishing my articles. Davinder Chander Sahib is a very helpful and a very considerate person. I have been contributing my articles for publication since many years. I hold of very high respect for Davinder Chander Sahib Ji.

In the past, Tulsi Ramayana was introduced into the system to replace Valmiki Ramayana but had failed. Now they want to introduce a New Constitution. Is the New Constitution going to be prepared after proper consultation? At the moment no one knows.

In the past they failed because Manusmirity promoted only one particular sect whereas the Constitution promoted all the sects within India. Same might happen again because since 2014 a lot of fear is buried within in the hearts of the population and hatred is spreading fast. India under present conditions to survive needs Unity and not Segregation.