Dr. Jagbir Singh – A brand Ambassador of HERA perfume

Dr. Jagbir Singh

– Dr. Rahul Kumar, Senior Correspondent, Asian Independent UK-

(Asian Independent)- Dr. Jagbir Singh, a leading international expert of disaster management and sustainable development. He is also advisor to government and non-government organizations. He has been made a brand Ambassador by HERA perfume of Portugal. We are all proud of him.

Dr. Jagbir Singh has written more than 20 books. His new book on Mass Disasters & Crisis Management Skills is likely to be published by the end of this year.

Dr. Jagbir Singh has been invited by USA, Canada, France, Australia , Sweden , Portugal, Denmark, Russia , Singapore , Maldives , Uzbekistan , Indonesia , Sri Lanka , Malaysia , Nepal , Fizi , Bangladesh , Switzerland to deliver lecture on important policy initiatives.