(Asian Independent)- Sukhmani Sahib, the sacred hymns by the 5th Sikh guru, Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji was recited by the congregation at Gurdwara Sri Guru HarKrishan Sahib, Oadby, Leicestershire on Saturday 17th September to celebrate the 9th Birthday of Dilan Bains. The Gurdwara’s Sukhmani Sahib Bibian da Jatha of 12 started the Pathh after 5 Moolmantar and 5 Gurmantar at 3.45 pm which was jointly recited by the congregation.

After the completion of Sukhmani Sahib at 5.00 pm , Shabad Kirtan was performed by the Gurdwara’s Granthis. A prayer for the well being of everyone [Sikh Ardaas] and Dilan’s long life, success in education and good health was done. A Saropa, Garland of Honour, was presented to Dilan on behalf of the Gurdwara by Giani Daljit Singh. A cheque of £101 from the Virk family was given by Dilan to British Heart Foundation’s Ambassador Sulakhan Singh Dard BEM. Two members of the congregation donated £20 so the total raised was £121.

Speaking from the stage Sulakhan Singh pointed out that British Heart Foundation BHF was started by six London doctors 63 years ago and it is now one of the main charities in this country. Heart disease for people from the South Asian countries living in UK is very alarmingly high. 78% of the over 65 years old men and women suffer from high BP, Diabetes and Obesity. The people from this community eat high intake of saturated fat, too much sugar and salt but do not do enough exercise.

They only realise the consequences of their diet and lifestyle when they are admitted to hospital with heart attack, stroke or angina. He said that everyone should do at least 20 minutes exercise everyday and that the easiest form of exercise is walking which is even better in early morning fresh air.

The President of the Gurdwara Harjinder Singh Rai managed the stage and said that celebrating children’s birthday in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji has many benefits such as the Sikh Ardaas is done collectively by Granthi, family members and the congregation which makes it even more powerful. It gives the chance to family , friends and relatives who usually don’t attend Gurdwara Sahib to do so and listen to Gurbani and do sewa. Those members of the sangat who may know you or not know you also join in the celebrations and pass on their congratulation to you.

At the end of the programme Langar of Pizzas, Jalebis and hot and cold drinks were served by the Virk family.