Mumbai, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday attacked the Congress and its former President Rahul Gandhi in the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, accusing them of playing politics on a question involving “national security”.
Terming the move to revoke the Constitution’s Article 370 as a “historic decision” on Jammu and Kashmir, Shah said while the BJP had struggled for “one nation, one Prime Minister and one Constitution”, the Congress was indulging in politicising an issue involving the nation’s security.
“The Congress views it as political issue, but we consider this as nationalism,” he asserted.
Shah also charged the former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru for agreeing to an “untimely ceasefire” in 1947 which paved the way for the creation of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).
“I congratulate PM Narendra Modi for showing courage and grit in scrapping Article 370 & 35A in the very first session of Parliament after we formed the government for the second time.
“I want to inform Rahul Gandhi that our three generations have struggled to strike down Article 370. So, it is not some political issue like you may believe. Keeping it alive was a political issue for the Congress, but for the BJP it was a matter of the country’s unity and integrity, a dream made true by PM Modi,” Shah said at a meeting of party activists to explain to them the importance of revoking Article 370, which would be a major BJP poll plank for the October 21 Maharashtra assembly elections.
In fact, Maharashtra and Haryana are the first two states going elections after the Article 370 was revoked and the BJP hopes to test the public sentiments on it during the campaign.
Last week, Modi, addressing a rally in Nashik, had urged the people of Maharashtra to “help make Kashmir a paradise again” and embrace all Kashmiris who now want only ‘vikas’ (development).
Shah took a jibe at Gandhi, saying that politics cannot be played on serious matters of national interest.
He advised Gandhi to study Indian history to realise how taking correct decisions are taken on such grave issues.
Kickstarting the BJP’s polls campaign, Shah expressed optimism that the BJP-led alliance would return to power with Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis at the helm again.