Co-WIN to open for self-registration from Monday


New Delhi, (Asian independent) Registration on Co-WIN, the government portal for Covid-19 vaccination drive, will open at 9 a.m. on Monday and the beneficiaries can avail on-site registrations wherein they can walk into identified centres, get themselves registered and get vaccinated.

The eligible people, aged above 60 years and those over 45 with comorbidities, can register and book their slots for vaccination, anytime and anywhere, using the CO-WIN 2.0 portal or through other IT applications such as Arogya Setu etc.

As per modalities released by the government, there will be only one live appointment for a beneficiary at any point of time for each dose. Appointments for any date for a Covid Vaccination Center (CVC) will be closed at 3 p.m. on that day for which the slots were opened.

“A person can book a slot on Co-WIN or Arogya Setu between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for that day or for future dates as well. The app will automatically register the second dose for that beneficiary at the same CVC. However, beneficiaries will be asked to book slots for their second dose. If a beneficiary cancels a first dose appointment, then appointment of both doses will be cancelled,” said Dr Ajeet Jain, medical superintendent of state-run Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital.

Eligible beneficiaries can register at the CO-WIN 2.0 portal through their mobile number following a step by step process. A person can register as many as four beneficiaries with a single mobile number. However, the beneficiaries would have to produce identity proofs separately.

“All those registered on one mobile number will have nothing in common except the mobile number. The Photo ID Card Number for each such beneficiary must be different,” Jain added.

Aadhar Card/Letter, Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC), Passport, Driving License, PAN Card, NPR Smart Card and Pension Document with photograph are the listed seven photo identity documents which can be used for online registration.

In the second phase of the world’s largest inoculation drive, around 27 crore people would be administered the vaccine at 10,000 government medical facilities and over 20,000 private hospitals. While the vaccine will be given free of cost at government hospitals, private hospitals can charge up to Rs 250 per dose of the shot. While the vaccine will be given free of cost at government hospitals, private hospitals can charge up to Rs 250 per dose of the shot.