-Mitej Teji

(Asian Independent)- The closeness between Valmikian and Ravidassia communities is developing. For many centuries although they have lived closely in the villages in India but had kept apart. The others in the villages have kept these two communities apart because it benefited them.
The chance to progress came when these two communities had opportunity to travel aboard for employment. Majority came to Gt. Britain and some went to Canada. In the period of 1950 the first batch from India arrived in Gt Britain.
It was quite hard for them to settle down because they had to face racialism. In the 1960’s a lot of Indians came from East Africa. They were well educated and held British Passports. They mingled into the society and slowly the strands of racialism started to ease off.
Since 1960 Valmikian and Ravidassia communities in Bedford have lived very closely and have jointly celebrated Pargat Divas of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and Satguru Ravi Dass Ji. They have with the cohesion of Ambedkarites also celebrated Dr Ambedkar Anniversaries.
Now marriages within these two communities, in agreement are taking place and this shows that a lot of progress in closeness has been achieved. So, all the religious celebrations of these both communities are celebrated here.
On 17th March 2024, Guru Gian Nath Ji’s Remembrance Day was celebrated in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir – Bedford. The devotees from near and afar came to pay their respect. Guru Gian Nath Ji’s popularity in England has come through Bedford.
Guru Gian Nath Ji with his disciple Puran Nath Ji, came here in the early 1970. This was their first visit in England. Late Baba Mohinder Nath Gill Ji organised their visit. Myself, late Mohan Lal Gharu Ji and Najar Ram Subherwal Ji, we have had the chance to work with him.
Many became devotees and took Guru Gian Nath Ji to their home towns for the Satsangs. I accompanied them and played Naal (dholak) in the Satsangs. Guru Gian Nath Ji’s God like image impressed all. People from all faiths came to pay their respect. Atmosphere was serene and the Satsangs were very heart touching.

I remember in those days, there were no Mandirs in Bedford and the Satsangs were done in the houses. The families did their best to make the Satsangs as enjoyable as they can be. Their hospitality towards the Sangat cannot be faulted. It was totally a different environment than the one we are now experiencing in the Mandirs.
In the Mandirs, the committees now do all the work but, in those days, all helped each other to share work. The Satsangs in the homes were happening all over England because there were no Mandirs. All felt that it was their duty to do and to attend the Satsangs.
Guru Nath Ji’s contribution in establishing of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s name is immense. Guru Gian Nath Ji and Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji have both worked together to save the land where Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir by late honourable Prakash Singh Badal has been built.
In 1960, only a few people knew about Guru Gian Nath Ji in Bedford and my late father Shree Hazara Ram Teji was one of them. In 1950, My father and late Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji together went to meet Guru Gian Nath Ji.
At that time Guru Gian Nath Ji was meditating in a small underground cave. On the same spot now is Guru Gian Nath Ashram. Through donations sent from England, East Africa, Singapore and the collections made in India, this has been possible.
In late 1968 a dispute broke out within Guru Gian Nath Ji and the Mahants of the nearby temples. This dispute arose after finishing of the Saraan, meaning a shelter hall that was built by MLA Jaswant Rai Ji. He used the Government funds to build it but Guru Gian Nath Ji was under the impression that Jaswant Rai has paid the cost.
Somehow, the Mahants found out that the Saraan has been built with the government funds so they also wanted to use it. A big argument developed between them and someone put a pad lock on the Saraan. Following this, the Police got involved. They took Guru Gian Nath Ji to the Police Station.
Two brothers, who had returned from India broke this news in Birmingham and it spread like wildfire. A meeting in Birmingham was arranged and Bedford was also invited. A group including me and my father went to Birmingham for this meeting.
At this meeting my father was picked to lead because a lot of Valmikians from Kenya were present there who knew that my father had always dealt with such issues in Kenya. Following this a meeting in Bedford was arranged and in it was also late Nikka Singh Kalayan Ji. He recommended that the name Valmik Sudhar Sabha should be used for the letter-head.
So, under this name the letter pad was made and I did the correspondence. Letters to the Government of India and the High Commissioner of India (London) were sent and within a month the matter was arbitrated.
It was Joy to see the Valmikian and the Ravidassia brotherhood uniting to resolve the matter surrounding around the Saraan. I remember meeting two well educated persons from the Ravidassia Community – Birmingham. I think their names were Mr Jhumat and Mr Sarhali.
Everybody was deeply concerned because of Guru Gian Nath Ji’s age. He was well over Hundred years and because of this the BBC came to Bedford to record his first visit in England.
From the bottom of my heart I thank Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir’s Committee, Bedford, for celebrating Guru Gian Nath Ji’s Remembrance Day. I pray for all to be blessed with happy and healthy life.
Jai Bhagwan Valmiki Ji, Jai Guru Ravi Dass Ji, Jai Guru Gian Nath Ji. (JAI BHARAT)
Mitej Teji.