(Asian independent) The “Gujarat Cine Media Awards-2021” ceremony was organised on March 20,2021 by Sigma Group of Institutes in Vadodara (Gujarat). The ceremony was organised by Amit Patel and Kalpesh Patel. Talented young singer Chandni Vegad, who hails from Jamnagar in Gujarat, was felicitated with the “Best singer Award” in the function.
Chandni’s family members- her elder brother Raj Vegad, father Kantilal Vegad and her mother Asmita Vegad, Dilip Patel and others were present on the occasion.
Chandni Vegad had bagged the first prize in “Kaun Banega Jamnagarka Karaoke King” singing contest recently held in Jamnagar. She has participated in many singing competitions held in Gujarat and Mumbai and has obtained first rank in state level singing contests.
She has been signed to provide playback to forthcoming Hindi feature film “Living Relation” being produced under the banner of “High-Speed Cine International”. The recording will begin in Mumbai soon.
On being conferred with award, Chandni Vegad ‘Who studying 10th Std. in Shree Satya Sai Vidyalaya Jamnagar’ thanked the organising committee and said “You may achieve any height in life but at every stage of life, the study is essential. Right now I am busy preparing for SSC examination and I am totally engrossed in studies. After examination I will pay special attention to singing.”
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