Chennai, Union Minister for Commerce and Industry and Civil Aviation Suresh Prabhu on Thursday said the Central government is proposing two schemes at the district level to attract investments.
Inaugurating the ACMEE 2018, the 13th International Machine Tools Exhibition here, Prabhu said an industry while investing in a state actually invests in a district.
Developing the district infrastructure and easing the administration process in district is also important, he said.
He said the Central government is proposing two schemes; one is ease of doing business at district level and the other is increasing the gross domestic product (GDP) of the district by 3 per cent more than the normal GDP.
According to him, the Central government is now working on a model project and once it succeeds, it will be implemented in every district across the country.
He said when industries invest in India, they invest in states like Tamil Nadu, so the State partnership with Centre gains importance.