New Delhi, In the backdrop of a bitter fight between then Director Alok Verma and his deputy Rakesh Asthana, new CBI Director Rishi Kumar Shukla has come up with a revised ‘vision’ for the agency, which also calls for creating a healthy work environment, team-building, free communication and mutual trust.
Shukla in the revised vision, which comprises nine points up from the original six, says: “Create healthy work environment that encourages team-building, free communication and mutual trust.”
“Evolving effective systems and procedures for successful investigation and prosecution of cases in various courts” is also part of the revised vision.
Striving for excellence and professionalism in all spheres to let “the organisation rise to high levels of endeavour and achievement” is another point.
Shukla, a 1983-batch Madhya Pradesh cadre Indian Police Service officer, took charge as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) chief on February 4, amid acrimony in the organisation that saw its erstwhile top two officials engage in charges and counter-charges and legal battles following the public spat.
The vision also covers several aspects of the agency’s work — combating corruption in public life, curbing economic and violent crimes through meticulous investigation and prosecution, helping fight cyber and high technology crime, supporting state police organisations and law enforcement agencies in national and international cooperation in inquiries and investigation of cases, and playing a lead role in the war against national and transnational organised crime.
Upholding human rights, protecting environment, heritage of country’s civilisation, developing a scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform are the other parts of the initiative.
The vision agenda also asks the agency to develop professionalism, transparency and adaptability to change and use of science and technology in its working.
The organisation also has a motto laying emphasis on “industry, impartiality and integrity”.
CBI’s “mission” asks the agency officials to uphold the Constitution and the law of land through in-depth investigation, provide leadership and direction to the police and act as the nodal agency for enhancing inter-state and international cooperation in law enforcement.
Shukla has laid specific focus on the vision part to help the CBI come out of the unpleasant situation of the past and develop a greater sense of camaraderie.
The government had on October 23, 2018 sent Verma and Asthana on forced leave after divesting them of their powers as they were hurling corruption charges against each other. The row finally ended with the ouster of Verma on January 10, an unprecedented move in the history of CBI since its inception in 1941.
He will head the agency till February 4, 2021.