Byrne launches 7 key pledges on a whistle stop tour across the 7 boroughs of the West Midlands

Liam Byrne MP

(Asian independent) Today, Liam Byrne MP, Labour candidate for West Midlands Mayor, has set out the seven key pledges for his campaign as Mayor.

He drew these pledges from over 10,000 individual conversations, ideas, thoughts and comments sent in by residents from across the West Midlands.

They came through his website ( help-shape-the-plan-survey), returned posted surveys and through a series of fourteen online ‘Help Shape the Plan’ meetings with the general public.

On a trip around the entire WMCA region to mark the formal filing of his nomination papers, Byrne visits Birmingham, Coventry, Solihull, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Dudley and Sandwell.

Byrne said:

‘This is a plan with a difference. It’s been shaped and written by thousands of people of the region over the last year.

‘What’s crystal clear is that after everything we’ve been through this last year, residents simply do not want to go back to what we had before Covid. Because the blunt truth is that even before Covid, under our Tory Mayor, life in our region was getting poorer, less safe and healthy life expectancy was falling.

‘So it’s time for a Mayor who’ll be a strong voice for our region, determined for our region to be a leader again, and focused on the things we need to get done. Bringing back industry and jobs, building more homes people can actually afford, supporting our young people, protecting our safety and championing our incredible community spirit.

‘Crucially, we’ve got to become the place that leads Green Britain.

‘We’ve been overlooked for long. It’s time to turn that around.’