Byrne backs young people with pledges free weekend bus travel for 16 to 18 year olds

Liam Byrne MP

(Asian independent) Young people aged 16 to 18 years old from across the West Midlands will have free travel on buses at the weekend pledged Liam Byrne, Labour’s Candidate for the West Midlands today.

He was joined by Labour’s Shadow Bus Minister, Sam Tarry MP, who was campaigning in the Mayoral elections on 6 May in a visit to Yardley Wood Bus Depot.

The plans are part of Byrne’s manifesto to Support Our Youth to which over 10,000 people across the region have contributed. The plans include putting youth workers back in every neighbourhood, strengthening mental services doubling apprenticeship numbers, and creating a new programme called Tomorrow’s Engineers and Creatives to train local young people for the jobs of the future.

Announcing the pledge at the Yardley Wood Bus Depot, Liam Byrne said:

‘Our young people are extraordinary. But right now, the rug is being pulled form under their feet with huge cuts to youth services, collapsing apprenticeship numbers and sky-high youth unemployment.

‘That’s why we will need to support our young people and open up horizons,’ said Byrne, ’Free travel for teenagers will help. Eventually, I’d love to see complete free travel for all young people across our region to meet friends, get to weekend jobs, go shopping and explore our region. But we can make a quick step in the right direction for 16 to 18-year olds at the weekend.

‘It’ll help develop the next generation of public transport users and our drive to reach net zero goal as we change how we travel.’

Labour’s Shadow Bus Minister, Sam Tarry MP said:

‘Liam’s plans for travel across the West Midlands are fantastic. In particular we want to get young people back into work. His plans of giving people real money in their pockets by cutting fares at the weekends are an essential part of getting Birmingham back to work.’