Srinagar, (Asian independent) The Border Security Force (BSF) has airlifted three patients for medical attention from the snow-bound Tangdhar sector in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara district, officials said on Sunday.
They have been identified as Nasreen Fatima, 50, Sobiya Begun, 30, and Rizwan Ahmad, 10.
“On request of district administration Kupwara, BSF evacuated (Airlifted) three civilian patients from the snow-bound Tangdhar sector to district headquarters for medical attention amid the closure of the only road, which passes through Sadhna Top,” BSF said.
Tangdhar (Karnah) sector remains cut off for days altogether during winters due to snowfall and mud slides that block the road.
“We always there to serve the people of Kashmir and ensuring their well being is our first and foremost priority,” Raja Babu Singh, IG, BSF Kashmir said.