British Embassy Guatemala City: call for bids 2019/2020


The British Embassy in Guatemala City is now accepting project and activity proposals for the 2019/2020 financial year (1 April 2019 – 29 February 2020).

Call for Bids

This year, the British Embassy is seeking to support projects and activities up to $15,000 in Guatemala and Honduras that deliver real, measurable outcomes in support of development in both countries. All expenditures must qualify as Official Development Assistance (ODA), as defined by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and have the promotion of economic development and welfare of the people of Guatemala and/or Honduras as the main objective. We are particularly interested in projects/activities proposals focused on the following thematic areas of work:

Human Rights & Democracy

In particular, strengthening democratic governance and rule of law; increasing participation of women in politics; increasing equality and reducing violence and discrimination against women and vulnerable groups; promoting girls education; tackling modern slavery; and strengthening freedom of press. Note: Strengthening freedom of press is FCO’s global priority this year.

Economic Growth and Improving Business Environment

In particular, business and human rights (implementing UN guiding principles); strengthening and facilitating the delivery of infrastructure, including the modality of Public-Private Projects (PPPs); increasing accountability and transparency in key economic sectors or institutions; supporting reforms and implementation of policies aimed at promoting conditions for open markets and improving the business environment, such as, but not limited to promoting competiveness, streamlining processes to facilitate trade, tackling bureaucracy, and reducing the potential for illicit trade.

Illegal Wild Life Trade

In particular, efforts to raise awareness, prevent, and tackle illegal wild life trade. Such as, but not limited to capacity building opportunities for key stakeholders; the implementation of best practices and experiences; and/or attendance to relevant seminar opportunities abroad.

Disaster Risk Preparedness

In particular, projects aiming to strengthen disaster risk prevention and preparedness (capacity building) or public awareness raising related to the causes and impacts of climate change and/or disasters.

Beyond Plastics

In particular, projects aiming to reduce and raise awareness of single use plastic. Including, but not limited to public campaigns and events; school teaching and raising awareness of pollution and climate change impact from single use plastic; and production of marketing and audiovisual materials in support of awareness campaigns.

Kindly note separate guidance for projects and activities.

Project bid guidance

  • Projects are funded under a reimbursement scheme for a single financial year running from 1 April 2019 to 29 February 2020, with no expectations of continued funding beyond this period.
  • Projects must be completed by 31 December 2019. Projects with a completion date of 29 February 2020 will be considered as long as 85% of the budget is executed by 1 December 2019.
  • Minimum project budget limit $8,000
  • Maximum project budget limit $15,000
  • Please note that in the past, most bids approved were typically below $9,000.

Project assessment

Project bids will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the above mentioned priorities and outcomes.
  • Achievable outcomes within the funding period and sustainability after the funding ends.
  • Clear project design which includes monitoring and evaluation procedures.
  • Identified risks and planned mitigation.
  • The organisation’s safeguarding policies that ensure protection of beneficiaries.
  • Demonstrated value for money in the activity based budget.
  • Administration costs for delivering a project must not exceed 10% of the total project budget.

Activity bid guidance

  • Activity is a one-off intervention (not fully developed project) that will take place at a specific time in the financial year between 1 April 2019 and 29 February 2020, with no expectations of continued funding beyond this period.
  • Maximum activity budget limit $8,000.

Activity assessment guidance

Activity bids will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the above mentioned priorities and outcomes.
  • Achievable outcomes within the funding period.
  • Clear project design which includes evaluation procedures.
  • Identified risks and planned mitigation.
  • The organisation’s safeguarding policies that ensure protection of beneficiaries.
  • Overall value for money.


  • Ensure that the activity based budget and project/activity is in the same currency as the bank account where funds reimbursements are to be received. Utilize the Excel template provided below.
  • Proposals must be received by midnight on 30 April 2019. All proposals received in a format different to the one requested, in a language other than English, and submitted after the set date and time will not be considered.
  • Proposals must be submitted to: [email protected] In subject include: FCO Programme Funds 2019-2020, followed by the name of your organisation, and by the country where your organisation is based (Guatemala or Honduras): “FCO Programme Funds 2019-2020 – [Name of Organisation] – [Country].
  • Proposals selected for further consideration will be notified by 31 May 2019.
  • The British Embassy in Guatemala City aims to sign grant agreements with successful implementers by 15 June 2019.
  • Due to the high number of bids we receive, we are unable to provide detailed feedback to unsuccessful bids.

Additional information and documentation

All implementers will be expected to sign a standard FCO contract or grant agreement with the Embassy. The terms of the contract or agreement are not negotiable.