Breast is best: Pamela Anderson writes to UN


Los Angeles,   As US President Donald Trump’s administration officials opposed a breastfeeding resolution of the World Health Organisation (WHO), actress Pamela Anderson on behalf of PETA wrote a letter to UN stating the importance of breastfeeding for newborns.

“Breast is best, there is nothing natural about giving human babies milk that is meant for baby cows. Cows on dairy farms are forcibly impregnated over and over again, and their calves are torn away from them when they are only a day old. Heartbroken mother cows often cry out in mourning for days over their missing calves,” her letter read.

“I nursed my own sons and I encourage other moms to continue this natural practice, which has been essential to human health since the dawn of time.”

Many countries, including US currently, abide by the International Code on Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes. So, WHO started a resoultion to limit the inaccurate marketing formula and other substitutes as it is considered unhealthy for the babies.

The dissaproval of the resoultion by the US government has garnered a lot of criticism and strong reactions from people.