Bharat Samvad Abhiyan (India Dialogue Campaign)


(Asian Independent)


The objective of the Bharat Samvad Abhiyan is to continuously nurture and maintain the commitment of citizens to a constitutionally sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic Indian nation. It is an obvious civic duty of all Indian citizens to uphold the ideals of the Indian Freedom Struggle and the fundamental values of the Indian Constitution as an integral part of the national life. This civic duty can remain a permanent part of their thought process only through constant dialogue among the citizens. This would prevent the rapid devaluation of constitutional values and institutions. They will rather be strengthened and renewed. Only then the ongoing campaign of the ruling classes to sell the national assets to the domestic and foreign corporate houses; To make laws, one after the other, in the interest of corporate houses at the cost of farmers, labourers, youth, students; To violate the civil liberties; And to disturb the communal harmony will be successfully checked.

Those people of India who look at their civic identity only in the light of the Constitution of India, and not confined to any religion, caste, region, family, person etc., will be the natural participants of Bharat Samvad Abhiyan. There should be no dearth of such people in the country. Even though the corporate-communal nexus imposed by the ruling-classes in service of neo-imperialism in the last three decades has greatly distorted the spirit of the modern Indian nation, emanated from the powerful impact of the Freedom Movement and the complex global developments.

Indians settled abroad should come forward to participate and join in Bharat Samvad Abhiyan. Citizens of other countries who are interested in India or want an equitable peaceful world should also take part in Bharat Samvad Abhiyan to raise further consciousness. A greater participation of women in Bharat Samvad Abhiyan will also help to give it new dimensions of significance. Journalists of all languages can play an important role in the promotion of Bharat Samvad Abhiyan. People can participate in Bharat Samvad Abhiyan while doing their routine work. Unemployed citizens can acquire a leading role and become the biggest strength to the campaign.

There is no conducting center or body of Bharat Samvad Abhiyan. It is a campaign of the citizens for the citizens by the citizens. Under the campaign a person can communicate with her/himself. Two people can communicate with each other, family members can communicate among themselves on various occasions, and so on. People from the same profession can form their own group and communicate. Interested people can form ‘Bharat Samvad Abhiyan Mandalas’ in order to reach more and more people. These Mandalas (circles) can organize discussions among the students of schools, colleges, universities in their area on topics related to modern Indian nationality and its role in the world affairs.

There is no dearth of books, articles, magazines, documentaries, seminars, video speeches etc. available in support of democracy, civil rights, human dignity and religious-cultural plurality along with socialism and welfare state. There is also a large amount of literature available in opposition to the various forms of bigotry like dictatorship, fascism, terrorism etc. The thrust of Bharat Samvad Abhiyan will be on mutual and direct communication between people.

It is, however, not a dialogue between just like-minded people. People having different views and beliefs too can join the Bharat Samvad Abhiyan and express their opinions.

Bharat Samvad Abhiyan will not have any fund and bank account. The work will be done with the help of mutual contribution. Each unit will keep an account of the amount of contribution and its expenditure will be collected from the people who are participants in the dialogue.

Politics is at the core of modern era. Therefore, Bharat Samvad Abhiyan is a political process, the first cycle of which will run till the Lok Sabha elections to be held in 2024. Whatever the outcome, the second round of the campaign will begin. This campaign will go on cycle after cycle – till a new constructive politics is created from within the Indian society visa-vi the present corporate politics.

The success of the Bharat Samvad Abhiyan will be only when its coverage, through the urbane civil society, will reach to the working masses engaged in the organized/unorganized sectors. When they themselves will hold dialogue and get their equal rights as Indian citizens.

Under the Bharat Samvad Abhiyan, some participants will travel continuously, interacting with people in different parts of the country. With the belief that other interested people will join that travel or organize their own travel separately.

Bharat Samvad Abhiyan is a process in which enrichment will go on with suggestions and experiences.

This pamphlet must be translated into all Indian languages. Participants who take responsibility for translation in their own language, please inform.

Concerned citizens who get this message/pamphlet should provide their suggestions and forward it further. They may publish and distribute it in their own languages with their names.

Contact for now:
Prem Singh
Mobile: 8826275067
Email: [email protected]