(Asian Independent)- Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s Pargat Divas was celebrated worldwide with great enthusiasm on the 9th October 2022.
Kanshi TV has transmitted live coverage from Bhagwan Valmiki Mandirs in England and in India. In India, their main focus was on the Bhagwan Valmiki Ashram in Amritsar built during Chief Minister – Sardar Prakash Singh Badal Ji’s reign.

It would be worth pointing out that this magnificent Valmiki Mandir is present following hard work done by the Bhagwan Valmiki Central Sabha (UK).

The land was under occupancy of some mahants. They had their own story to it but following strenuous research by Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji it came to light that this land belonged to the Valmikian community. He raised alarm about this and was arrested and was put in prison. His arrest attracted attention and a movement was started to repossess land from the Mahants.

It could not be pursued for long because Pandit Bakshi Ram also had other Valmikian issues to look into. Guru Gian Nath Ji came here and made his Ashram which is still present to the day. Through Guru Gian Nath Ji’s presence here, the issue was kept alive but the land in question remained under the Mahants. Until this land was freed from the Mahants, Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir could not be built.

The time lingered on and then the Bhagwan Valmiki Central Sabha (UK) took it onboard and filed court proceedings against the Mahants in India. The case lasted for about 15 years. The members of Bhagwan Valmiki Central Sabha (UK), travelled to India to attend hearing dates.

The President, Mr Faquir Chand Sahota and his team do deserve credit as it’s only through their long struggle and strive that we have ended with a magnificent Bhagwan Valmiki Ashram in Amritsar. If they had not taken onboard, it is quite likely the Mandir would not have been there today.

It is their victory though the Courts of India that has given an opportunity to Sardar Prakash Singh Badal to built this wonderful Bhagwan Valmiki Ashram in Amritsar. Pandit Bakshi Ram’s research has been immensely helpful.

The name Amritsar originates from the leftover Amrit that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji buried after raising Shree Ram Chander Ji’s senna meaning army from moorsha. Here a small pond was formed and in it Rajni’s husband got cured of leprosy.

Rajni left him near the pond and went in search of food in nearby villages. He could see that black crows were going in and coming out as white. He crawled to the pond and dipped his finger and saw leprosy disappear. He bathed all his body but kept his thump to show to Rajni that he was her husband.

On her return she found a strange person claiming to be her husband. He showed her his thump but she did not believe him. For justice, she took him to Guru Ram Dass Ji. Guru Ram Dass Ji assured her that he was her husband who has been cured by the leftover Amrit, buried there by Maharishi Valmiki Ji. Today Harmandir sahib is on the same spot.

The Vamikians in England will always remember Pargat Divas of year 2022 because they have had opportunity to see Gianni Gurmit Singh Ji and Master Sleem Ji in live praising Bhagwan Valmiki Ji.
Gianni Gurmit Singh Ji since 2006 has been invited in Europe and elsewhere for Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s Kirtan but the Valmikian Sabhas in UK so far have failed to invite him on special occasions.

This taboo now has been broken by the new President Mr. Tarlok Gharu of Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir, Bedford. The new Sabha has opened door on this Pargat Divas for Gianni Gurmit Singh Ji to come and to do Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s Kirtan.

The sangat has seen and heard Gianni Gurmit Singh Ji on radio and TV. For years they have been waiting for his Kirtan in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir – Bedford and at last it has happened.

The Sangat in Bedford was well pleased with the Kirtan and from now onwards would like for Gianni Ji to be invited in future programmes. It would be nice if the other towns would also take this on board.

Also Master Saleem, who is a highly respected singer and his presence in UK during Bhagwan Valmiki’s Pargat Divas is indeed an memorable occasion. Kanshi TV on the 16th October 2022 celebrated Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s Pargat Divas in their Studio and here he has given a live performance.

Master Sleem is the only singer who has got the guts to stand on stage and declare that his family relied on the Valmikian brotherhood during hard times. He holds of a lot of appreciation for the Valmikian community and is whole heartily devoted to Bhagwan Valmiki Ji Maharaj.

Now-a-days Master Sleem is also being invited in Pakistan on Bhagwan Valmiki Ji celebrations.

Master Sleem’s truthfulness about his past and his appreciation for the Valmikian brotherhood has found space in the hearts of the Valmikian Community.

On this Pargat Day, the call of time is to Unite together because the future looks very bleak for the natives of India. The Adhivasi organisations in India and aboard will have to work together. Only then future of the upcoming generations can be safeguarded.
May Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s blessing be on all.
Thank You.
M. Teji