Better Late Than Never – Addressing the dalit Vote Banks


Better Late Than Never – Addressing the dalit Vote Banks

(THE ASIAN INDEPENDENT)- In my latest blogs on the just concluded Lok Sabha elections, I invariably raised the issues of naming of Adampur Airport after Guru Ravidass, Guru Ravidass Mandir at Tughlakabas in Delhi and April 14, birthday of Babasaheb Ambedkar as International Day of Equality. These blogs may be perused at:

One can easily observe that all these three issues are of emotive ones and are of concern and interest to the dalit communities as these entail sense of empowerment in the changing socio-political scenario. These issues directly come under the jurisdiction of the central government where PM Narendra Modi of BJP adorned the coveted position in the South Block for the last 10 years and again been voted to power as leader of the NDA. I am sorry to say, in spite of repeated efforts and demands, no one paid any attention both in the government and socio-cultural outfits like RSS. Dalit communities are really, it seems, are perturbed with this willful sidelining and even ignoring these issues, if we go by the election results in the Doaba region of Punjab and beyond. The dalit voters are slowly getting aware and concerned. It is time to understand this emerging situation, the sooner the better. PM Narendra Modi tried to placate dalit voters in his eleventh hour rallies in Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur and tactfully mentioned about Guru Ravidass and Adampur Airport and Khuralgarh Sahib etc. . But it was only an election jigjag. There was no mention of Tughlakabad issue and that of International Day of Equality. I think it was a short-sighted approach which backfired. I am confident that the subsequent political analysis (Manthan) would underline these ground realities for the benefit of political players. Babasaheb’s dictum – ‘Educate; Agitate; Organise’ is taking effect slowly but surely; dalits are increasing getting educated and awakened, dalits have definitely started agitating on issues of concern and interest particularly with regard to their due space in the corridors of power and Panchayats of the society. Dalits are on track on the way to get organized. The things are changing and must change. It is getting increasingly clear, fortunately, that people are no more interested in listening ‘goody goody’ and they want real delivery.

My immediate provocation to write again is the letter of BJP Punjab Chapter’s President Sunil Jakhar’s letter of June 14 addressed to PM Narendra Modi on the issues of name of Adampur Airport and rebuilding of the government dazed Guru Ravidass Mandir at Tughlakabad. I welcome this change of tack at its face value. I thanked Sunil Jakhar Sahib by my letter of June 14 which is texted below. There should be no problem in addressing these issues as these directly fall in the per-view of NDA government headed by PM Narendra Modi. I would only be happy if Jakhar Sahib and other bigwigs in the ruling elite also support the proposal on International Day of Equality to honour one of greatest sons of India, Babasaheb Ambedkar. I am confident that these affirmative actions on the part of the ruling outfits will not go unrewarded as the followers of Guru Ravidass and Babasaheb Ambedkar know how to pay the debt of gratitude.
IK Tarze Tugafil Hai; So Weh Unko Mubarak,
IK Arze Tammana Hai; Woh hum Karte Rahenge

Text of my letter dated June 13, 2024 to BJP President Sunil Jakhar
June 14, 2024

Respected Shri Sunil Jakhar Sahib,

I have just seen your letter of June13 (circulated by Sushil Rinku ji) addressed to the Hon’ble PM regarding naming Adampur Airport in the name of Guru Ravidass and also the issue of Guru Ravidass Mandir at Tughlakabad. I am apolitical votary of ‘Samrasta’, the prop of RSS, as long as they remain sincere to the cause of bring about ‘equitable social order’ in the society.. Many of the BJP/RSS bigwigs in and around Jalandhar and beyond know about this. As such, I have been writing on matters of interest and concern to the dalit communities in my blogs. I list here a couple of these recent blogs for your perusal.

You would observe that both the issues raised in your letter find mention in these write-ups. There is yet another issue – my proposal which I initiated in June, 2015 – April 14, birthday of Babasaheb Ambedkar, as International Day of Equality. The proposal is resting in the cup-boards of MEA/PMO since then. Unfortunately, I could not attract due attention to this proposal from the BJP leadership, in spite of my level best in this regard. My latest blog on the subject would provide you more information.

You must have observed and realized that BJP fell down to 240 from more than 300 seats in the recent elections. It has been noticed by the political pandits that BJP’s dalit vote share came down by 3% and resulted in the said setback. If the BJP leadership had listened to me particularly on the proposal of International Day of Equality, perhaps the position would have been different and pleasant not only in Punjab but also beyond.

I thought of bringing this to your notice with a view to solicit your kind support. It is still not too late.

With the assurances of my highest consideration,

Yours truly,
(Ramesh Chander)