Babasaheb Ambedkar Great Departure Day commemorate in Michigan USA


Babasaheb Ambedkar Great Departure Day commemorate in Michigan USA
December 6th 2023; Southfield, Michigan

(Asian Independent)- On this solemn occasion of Dr B R Ambedkar’s 67th departure day (Mahaprayan day), Ambedkar Association of North America Michigan members visited the Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara in Southfield to pay heartfelt tribute to the Bharat Ratna, Visionary leader, jurist, and principal architect of the Indian constitution.

Dr B R Ambedkar dedicated his life to championing social justice, equality, and human rights. His relentless efforts toward equality laid the foundation for a democratic and inclusive India.

Ven Bhante Mudita, a senior monk from Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara, recited Tisharan Panchasheel, Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangh Vandana along with Karinya Metta Sutta with meditation and talked about Parinibbana in Buddhist teaching.
Tanakaji Sakpal and Wamanrao Dongre shared a few words on this occasion and remembered Dr Ambedkar’s work, contribution, and sacrifices towards the community.

We offered Sangh Dana to the monks.
In commemorating this day, the Ambedkar Association of North America reaffirms its commitment to upholding the Ambedkarite values of Liberty, justice, and fraternity and paying back to society as Babasaheb asked his followers.
On behalf of AANA, Mahesh Wasnik thanks all the members who participated in this event and the Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara who provided the facility.

Ambedkar Association of North America (AANA) was formed in 2008 on the guided principle of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s lifelong work and vision to uplift the downtrodden through education and healthcare. Education allows the suppressed to escape their poverty, experience a better quality of life, and have a voice in their communities. AANA also aims to spread Buddha’s message of peace and kindness to humanity through cultural, educational, social, and economic activities among the South Asian Diaspora in North America.