Awareness seminar held at Ambedkar Bhawan
Caste Discrimination in Higher Educational Institutions Alarming Phenomenon – Advocate Pracha
We will not commit suicide, we will fight against injustice – Dr. Ritu Singh
Jalandhar (Asian Independent): At Ambedkar Bhawan, Dr. Ambedkar Marg, Jalandhar, a discussion was held by Punjab Unit of ‘Mission Save Constitution’ on the topic of ‘Caste Discrimination in Higher Educational Institutions’ under the awareness programme, in which National Convener and Senior Advocate, Supreme Court, Mahmood Pracha, Dr. Ritu Singh, Assistant Professor, Delhi University and Convener Punjab Unit, Bhim Army Student Federation President Ashutosh Singh Boudh, Law Student, Delhi University participated.
Addressing the audience of intellectuals from across Punjab in the packed Ramabai Ambedkar Yadgar Hall of Ambedkar Bhawan, Ashutosh Singh said that By bowing to this historical place related to Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar ji, one realizes the truth that on 27 October 1951, the great thinker of the world, Dr. Ambedkar, while speaking on the subject of ‘Future of Democracy in India’, warned about the dangers to Indian democracy and expressed some doubts, they are clearly appearing today. Today, hero worship, direct interference of capitalists in educational and government institutions, excessive use of money and force in elections, corruption, oppression of Dalits, women, minorities and backward classes, lack of consciousness about the use of vote have turned Indian democracy into an authoritarian state.
Convener of the Punjab Unit, a loud voice against the caste discrimination and injustice being done to the backward, oppressed and poor students and teachers and a continuous struggle for many years, combative, intellectual scholar Dr. Ritu Singh in her address, alerted the audience and discussed in detail about the arbitrariness and scams done by the principal of Daulat Ram College, Delhi University and other administrative officials regarding the appointments of professors. It should be remembered that due to raising the voice in favor of the victimized teachers, the assistant professor of Delhi University Dr. Ritu Singh was removed from the post of assistant professor. Under the leadership of Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court, Dr. Mahmood Paracha. Ritu Singh fought a long struggle and won. But now it has become a symbol of struggle for the entire Dalits, backward and minorities.
Dr. Ritu became a ‘role model’ for the victims and oppressed. Rather than being victimized and frustrated by the unconstitutional diplomatic tactics of the humanitarians and fighting against them, rather than dying, Dr. Ritu inspired them to fight for their rights by drawing strength from the slogan of ‘Swa Lakh Se Ek Ladaun’. She said that if speaking for the rights of the oppressed people and fighting for their rights is a crime, then I will commit this crime again and again. Dr. Ritu Singh said in a loud voice that I will not die, I will not commit suicide, I have to fight against injustices. At the last stage of the seminar Dr. G. C. Kaul conducting the stage, when requested Mahmood Pracha, the leading advocate of this consciousness movement, to face the audience eagerly awaiting his speech, a calm settled over the curious silence in the hall. Pracha, an internationally renowned advocate, analyzed democracy and the Indian constitution with precision and subtlety, and said that Dr. Ambedkar, the creator of the constitution, was a very serious person. He made his mark in the whole world by creating the best constitution. He said that caste discrimination in higher educational institutions in India is an alarming phenomenon.
The constitutional provisions made by Dr. Ambedkar for Dalits, Backward, Oppressed and minority communities have been hanged. The 10 percent of people who call themselves superior have hijacked the country by occupying all the resources and public institutions of the country. Advocate Pracha said that the young generation and students, being courageous, brave and combative like Dr. Ritu Singh, Dr. Ambedkar’s ideology, which is enshrined in the constitution, needs to be saved. Our only demand is that the constitution should be implemented in the country in its true sense. Our movement is to save the Constitution. Only if the constitution survives will our life be safe. On this occasion, Advocate Pracha appealed to strongly support the three major movements going on in India, save the constitution, protest against the elections through EVM and farmers’ struggle.
Madam Karamjit Kaur Retd. DPI (Colleges) in her address said that Dalit students are being discriminated against in higher educational institutions on a large scale today. The government or administrative officials are keeping silent. Ambedkar Bhawan Trust Chairman Mr. Sohan Lal Retd. DPI (Colleges) thanked the audience from all over Punjab including intellectual thinkers and revolutionary comrades from Delhi and emphasized that the students and the younger generation should be aware of the tireless struggle of Babasaheb, maintaining their enthusiasm and consciousness, must move forward in the face of injustice with courage and boldness. He said that only education can bring social and economic change.
In this discussion, members of Ambedkar Bhawan Trust and Ambedkar Mission Society Sarb Shri Charan Das Sandhu, Harmesh Jasal, Dr. Charanjit Singh, Tilak Raj, Professor Balbir, Dr. Mahendra Sandhu, Harbhajan Nimta, Baldev Raj Bhardwaj, Dr. Rahul, Dr. Subhash, Dr. Thind, Dr. SP Singh, Dr. Surinder, Tarsem Lal Kaul UK, Hari Ram OSD, Prabh Dayal Rampur, Pradeep Raja (Chetna Channel), President of NRI Sabha Punjab Madam Parvinder Kaur Banga, Gautam, Madam Kavita, Anil Bagha, Meher Malik, Advocate Rajinder Boparai, Manjit Singh, Dr. Sandeep Mehmi, Prof. Arinder Singh, Pishori Lal Sandhu, Manohar Mahey, Ram Lal Das, Prof. Ashwini Jasal, Narendra Lekh, MR Sallan, Lalit Kanganiwal and a large number of colleagues were present. This information was given by Baldev Raj Bharadwaj, Finance Secretary of Ambedkar Bhawan Trust through a press statement.
Baldev Raj Bhardwaj
Finance Secretary
Ambedkar Bhawan Trust (Reg), Jalandhar