Anya Soni, 9, Success story of Pandemic


(Asian Independent)- My name is Anya Soni and I am 9 years old, I have completed all the 11 levels of abacus this month and I am very happy about it (It took 3 and a half years!). Abacus has helped me with my speed and accuracy in maths, it has also helped me at maths in my class at school. I am one of the fastest to answer tricky sums. I am still not sure what I want to be when I grow up (maybe a scientist) but I am sure that maths definitely will help me in my future career and day to day life. I already help my parents to calculate bills in the supermarket or restaurants when they need to pay. I also help my mum to do a stock check for her small business. Completing all 11 levels of abacus is one of my biggest achievements. Other than abacus and school I like and learn ballet, I am also good at art. I have done multiple dance and singing performances on stage, I have also participated in a couple of acts as well. I am a good and fast reader as well. I climbed my first munro last month.

Last but not least Abacus mental arithmetic and visualising abacus tools supported me a lot to maintain my brain exercise during the pandemic. It was a main cause of keeping me mentally fit. I would like to devote my mental health fitness during pandemic to the abacus mental arithmetic.
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