Amaravati, (Asian independent) Andhra Pradesh on Thursday reported 10,759 new Covid-19 cases, raising the overall tally beyond 9.97 lakh, while the state’s active cases reached 66,944.
However, on a positive note, 3,992 more persons recovered from the disease in the last 24 hours, raising the total number of recoveries over 9.22 lakh.
Chittoor district reported the highest number of cases at 1,474, followed by Kurnool (1,367), Srikakulam (1,336), Guntur (1,186), East Godavari (992) and Visakhapatnam (844).
Among other places, Nellore (816), Anantapur (789), Krishna (679), Vizianagaram (562), Prakasam (345), Kadapa (279) and West Godavari (90).
In a worrying development, some districts have started recording infections more than 1,000 regularly.
East Godavari’s tally has crossed the 1.32 lakh mark, the highest among all the districts in Andhra Pradesh.
Meanwhile, 31 more persons succumbed to Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, pushing the state’s death toll to 7,541.
The southern state started logging deaths at an incremental rate everyday with the onset of the second wave.
With 41,871 more tests, the total number of tests conducted in Andhra Pradesh has crossed the 1.58 crore-mark.