Gandhinagar, (Asian independent) Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s on Sunday visited the Chandrasar village in Mansana where he observed the ongoing renovation of a lake.
The said lake is undergoing a facelift and the plan includes the integration of an amphitheater and an open library, promising enriching community spaces for the local residents.
Shah also inaugurated a new sub-registrar’s office. This 2-crore-rupee investment is poised to accelerate property-related tasks, ensuring efficiency and ease for the residents.
Shah praised the Modi government’s commendable efforts in doubling the pace of road construction across the nation over the past 9 years.
Drawing a parallel, he highlighted the BJP’s robust “double engine” governance in Gujarat, which has paved the way for seamless connectivity and development through an extensive network of roads.
Shah also laid foundation stone for the Mansa-Balwa 4-lane road, a project estimated at a budget of 40 crores.
“This strategic move is set to bolster local mobility and enhance traffic flexibility, a true testament to the government’s commitment to comprehensive development,” he said.
Shah expressed his admiration for the ongoing efforts to enhance the green cover in Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituency.
He acknowledged the persistent work undertaken to enrich the area with greenery through continuous tree planting and the creation of parks.
Shah also commended the GIHED CREDAI for organising an ambitious mass tree plantation program involving 450 societies.
This notable initiative, he emphasized, underscores the power of public participation in safeguarding the environment.