Ambedkar, a torchbearer of social transformation

Ambedkar, a torchbearer of social transformation: Kataria

(Asian independent) Much revered Bodhisattva, Bharat Ratna, Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar, the harbinger of social transformation and revolution imbibed in the ideas of great personalities like Buddha, Kabir, Mahatma Phule was born to divert the currents of the era and tides if time. The multifaceted personality of Baba Saheb is so deep, vast and diversified that, it would not be wrong to assert that, it would take years even for an erudite scholar to understand and fathom its depth. On the Occasion of the 130th birth anniversary of Babasaheb on April 14, 2021, the entire world in its heartfelt offering will seek inspiration from his indomitable spirit.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji inaugurated Dr. Ambedkar National Memorial at Dr. Ambedkar International Center, 15 – Janpath, New Delhi and Babasaheb’s Mahaparinirvana Bhoomi 26, Alipur Road, New Delhi, in the year 2017-18. Following the instructions of the Prime Minister, today these centers are acting as vehicles of socio-economic transformation through research in the field of social and economic studies. It will also serve as an expert think tank with a focus on inclusive development and socio-economic matters. In fact, the aim of our government is to bring to light the vision of Babasaheb’s thoughts and philosophy to the new generation through these centers. The present generation is largely unaware of Babasaheb being the most educated person among his contemporaries which was the result and product of his long-term struggle, determination and hard work. The great man had himself experienced all the ills and inhuman evils which penetrated into the social fabric with time, such as untouchability, discrimination, contempt, etc. However, Babasaheb never resorted to violence, but burnt the candle of his life trying to unify society, by giving the disadvantaged class its due reputation in society. He was committed throughout his life to give a strong, self-reliant and dignified life to the downtrodden, exploited and deprived in the society. Babasaheb believed that social equality can be achieved only by creating social harmony. He said in Delhi on 24 November 1947, “We are all Indian mutual brothers – such a feeling is expected.” This is called BandhuBhava, which is lacking, resulting in increasing cases of envy and jealousy. Therefore, for the nation to exist, this barrier will have to be removed, only then the nation will exist and brotherhood will flourish, if brotherhood fails to exist, equality, freedom too will become non-existent.

I believe that, just as our government today is working to reestablish India, as the VishwaGuru, Babasaheb too made similar efforts of contribution in the process of nation building. He revered Bharat Mata not only in greatest esteem, but was always concerned about the reestablishment of her honour. He opposed the prominence of competitive allegiance to religion, culture, caste and language, as he believed it to be a great hinderance in the cultivation of the feeling of Indianness and loyalty towards the nation. Opposing the formation of states on the basis of language, establishment of Hindi as the national language, education and quality of Sanskrit language, opposition to section 370, his views on conversion, idea of utility of religion, importance of labour policy, reform, urbanization, equal citizens, The Code and the Hindu Code Bill, importance given to the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, sensitivity towards women, national commitment, economic plans, role in water and power policy, etc. are many topics that reflect Babasaheb’s national vision. Regarding the creator of the Constitution, Dr. Rajendra Babu says on 26 November 1949 in the Savindhan Sabha, “Dr. Ambedkar, the architect of Constitution of the independent India gave the country a new constitution at the cost of his intelligence, talent and merit. Profoundly rich men of such mental caliber, stature and eternal talent seldom appear in the world. On one hand bearing years of unending suffering and humiliation, while filled with compassion love, equality and non-violence on the other hand, Babasaheb gave the perfect example of his dedication for the country adopting Buddhism as an inseparable part of Indian culture. It is my belief that the present generation must learn from Babasaheb’s life lessons that for larger national interest, personal trauma needs to be and should to be forgotten. On April 14, entire world will venerate and salute, the true son of Bharat Mata, Babasaheb. Entire India will evoke and remember his immense contribution for India. The world too will recall Babasaheb’s contribution, as the cause of inspiration to the millions of people. But I have a special message for the younger generation, that the patriot, humanist, pious and great saint of virtue Babasaheb’s ideals should not be merely followed on his birth anniversary, but should be borne every moment to be assimilated into life.

With this, I convey my greetings of Babasaheb’s birth anniversary to my countrymen.

(Rattan Lal Kataria is the Union Minister of State, Social Justice & Empowerment and Jal Shakti)