Mitej Teji


  • Mitej Teji

(Asian Independent)- A retired Judge Ashok Arora Ji, Ex secretary, Supreme Court, Bar Ass, who holds of high respect in the Indian Judiciary is now residing in New York, USA. The Judges who are upfront at this moment, in his time were his juniors and CJI Chanderchud is also within the list.
He is deeply concerned and is unhappy in the manner the Judgements are being given by the ruling Judges in the Courts. He often participates in the social media programmes and very boldly and openly criticises the given Judgements.

He has personally written a letter to Honourable Chanderchud Ji, indicating that the eyes of the Indians residing in India, the Indians residing aboard plus the whole worlds are set on him.

The United Nation is deeply concerned about the uprising developments in India. USA and Germany are also concerned because they can see that fascism is seeping in. So now only the Supreme Court can put an end to this Dictatorship.

India needs Democracy to improve on the progress achieved through the seventy-five years of Independence. In this progress all have played part. Especially the labour force from the rural areas has built India. All the cities and towns are present because of their hard labour. The rich had heavily lined their pockets and those labourers who have built India are still poor as they were then.

The labourers and the farmers have never been paid properly because the rich wanted to fill their own pockets and exactly same is happening now. Only a small group of rich is holding the biggest chunk of wealth in India and because of this, the families in millions are relying on five kilos of wheat.

Mr. Modi Ji’s guarantee for them is that for the next five years they will without any hindrance keep receiving five kilos of wheat. The time has come for these people to decide whether they want to on live five kilos of wheat or want to get out of the rut they are living in. They need to thoroughly think about this because the future of their coming generations depends on this election.

Mr Kejriwal Ji is in ED’s custody because he is showing of no interest to join BJP. On the other hand, Navin Jinder who since a long time has been on the ED’s target, has left Congress and joined BJP. He has gone through the BJP’s washing machine and all the charges against him have been dropped. If Mr Kejriwal would have done the same he would have been a free man but he won’t do this because he and his associates are true soldiers of Mother India.

The past leaders like Mahatma Gandhi Ji, Jawahar Lal Nehru Ji, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Ji, Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar and many more are being remembered as the idols of the established Democracy in India. Because of Democracy inter-caste marriages are happening but the ruling party BJP wants to put an end to it because Manusmirity totally opposes this relationship.

The credit goes to Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Ji because he was the one who finalised it when the others gave up on it. This is why the general voice is that Dr Bhim Rao has drafted the Constitution. In gratitude to his service, his statue is present in the Indian Parliament – Delhi.

Baba Sahib Dr Ambedkar Ji has started to receive worldwide recognition because since BJP’s take over in 2014, the whole world has come to understand that how important his contribution is. Following this realisation, his statues are being built all around the world.

A big rally in support of Mr. Kejriwal Ji was held in the Ram Lilla Maidan New Delhi on the 31st March 2024. In Millions, the people had come from near and afar to join in this rally. The people of India have finally started to realise that how important it is to save the Constitution and Democracy in India.

The guarantee of Modi is being put forward but is failing to convince the public because since 2014 the promises made have not been filled. The public has lost trust in this ruling Party. It has failed to fulfil the promises it made when it came into power in 2014. The publics annoyance can be felt all around India.

My family has got many years of experience in dealing with the Valmikian issues and protecting Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s dignity and pride. My father, late Shree H. R. Teji Ji in 1966 started The Naag Vansh Adhivasi Bharati Sewa Dal – Bedford – England -UK.

My father was a very knowledgeable person who since his childhood had devoted his heart and soul to Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and he felt that it was his duty to stand firm and fight off insults on Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and fight for the Valmikian rights.

In East Africa my late father with his associates started the Valmik Bharat Mandal. This Mandal has fought insults planted against Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and Guru Ravi Dass Ji. In East Africa the Valmikian and the Ravidassia Communities acted as one unit.

My late father had always believed in closeness of these two communities and probably because of him, the Bedford is popular for closeness within these two communities.

The chief Editor, Davinder Chander knows that through Samaj Weekly for many years I have been warning that the Constitution is in danger. I have even on the stages repeated it but the public failed to understand. Instead, many disagreed with me and some made unpleasant remarks but I felt sorry for them because they could not see what I was seeing.

I have been in the game since my childhood so with the knowledge and experience I have, what I saw they could not see. I wish, they had listened and given a little deliberation and the things would not have worsened to where they are now.

Instead of building a united front unfortunately all have been pursuing their own agendas. The protests are heating up to save the Democracy and the Constitution in India and here in England all is quiet. It is about time the organisations came up front in support of the protests happening in India. India needs you now.
Jai Bharat.

Mitej Teji