Lucknow, (Asian independent) Amid the 2020-21 Union Budget being presented on Monday, Samajwadi Party national president Akhilesh Yadav has taken a jibe at the Narendra Modi government by saying that the government must make provisions for the restoration of self-respect of farmers and workers, women and the youth and freedom of speech.
Taking to Twitter, Yadav said: “I have only one request from the BJP government. This time in the Budget they must make provisions for the restoration of the nation’s unity, social harmony, the respect of farmers and workers, the respect of women and youth and freedom of speech, since these have been disturbed because of the divisive policies of the BJP.”
Before that, Yadav had written that in the BJP regime, not just common people, the freedom of speech of journalists is also being curbed by arresting them. This is shameful. The government must withdraw cases against those journalists and politicians who speak the truth in Uttar Pradesh.