Air Marshal Duckworth takes over as Central Air Command chief

Air Marshal R J Duckworth takes over central air command.

Lucknow, (Asian independent) Air Marshal R.J. Duckworth assumed charge as Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief (AOC-in-C) of Central Air Command (CAC) on Thursday.

Commissioned in the fighter stream of the IAF on May 28, 1983, Duckworth, in a distinguished career spanning nearly 38 years, has flown more than 3,000 hours, including operational and instructional flying on a wide variety of fighter and trainer aircraft in the force’s inventory, a defence statement said.

During his career, he has held numerous important appointments, including command of a frontline fighter squadron and of a premier fighter base. As an Air Vice Marshal, he served as Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence Staff, Technical Intelligence, at HQ IDS, Air Officer Commanding Advance HQ, Central Air Command, and Air Defence Commander, Southern Air Command.

As an Air Marshal, he held the posts of Senior Air Staff Officer of the Central Air Command and the Western Air Command. Prior to taking over the present appointment, he was Air Officer, Personnel, at the IAF HQ.

An alumnus of the National Defence Academy, the Defence Services Staff College Wellington and the National Defence College, he was awarded Vishisht Seva Medal in 2008 and Ati Vishisht Seva Medal in 2021 for distinguished service.