Aid not distributed properly: Kabul residents

Displaced people receive water at a makeshift camp in Mazar-i-Sharif, capital of Balkh province, Afghanistan.

Kabul, (Asian independent) Amid the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, residents of the capital Kabul have complained of “unfair distribution” of aid, saying that it was not provided to the vulnerable people who need it the most, the media reported.

“Let the aid be continued. But it should be given to people who deserve it,” Ghulam Nabi, a resident of Kabul, told TOLO News on Thursday.

“No one has given us anything,” said Abdul Muttalib, another resident of Kabul.

“When we ask for aid, they tell us to wait, but I haven’t received anything yet,” said Rahim, another resident.

The World Food Program (WFP) said that it has provided food, clothing and cash aid to 15 million people in 2021 in Afghanistan.

The WFP expects to reach over 23 million vulnerable people next year in Afghanistan.

“There should be a home-to-home survey so we can address the problem of those who are in grave need,” TOLO News quoted Wahidullah Amani, a spokesman for the WFP, as saying.

Meanwhile, the Taliban-led government’s Ministry of Refugee and Repatriation has denied the existence of corruption in the provision of aid to the people in need.

“Those who deserve to be helped, we give them (humanitarian organisations) information to send assistance there,” said Abdul Muttalib Haqqani, spokesman for the ministry.

Based on international humanitarian organizations’ statistics, over 92 per cent of Afghans are currently struggling with food insecurity.