New Delhi, (Asian independent) The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Wednesday termed the video from Manipur, showing two girls being paraded naked by a mob, as “most shocking” condemned the incident.
It also accused the Central and the state governments of not doing anything to stop the violence and termed their “inaction” as “painful for all the citizens of the country”.
The AAP also said that it requests all citizens not to aggravate the plight and humiliation of the helpless women and speak up against the sickening act without sharing the gruesome video.
“We have come across a viral video purportedly from Manipur where two women are paraded naked and are constantly molested by their captors. It has been brought to our notice that the video was shot on May 4 in Kangpokpi district in B Phainom Village where both the women were gang-raped after the entire village was burnt down. The Aam Aadmi Party condemns this horrifying and continued ordeal of the helpless people of Manipur,” it said.
“We again request the intervention of the Prime Minister in Manipur. Turning a blind eye to the problem will not make it go away. The Aam Aadmi Party is ready and willing to assist in any manner as the Central government may deem fit.”