Change of Governor of the Cayman Islands in October 2018.


Mr Martyn Roper has been appointed Governor of the Cayman Islands.

Mr Martyn Roper has been appointed Governor of the Cayman Islands in succession to Mr Anwar Choudhury. Mr Roper will take up his appointment in October 2018.


Full name: Martyn Keith Roper

Married to: Elisabeth Melanie Harman

Children: Two

2015 to 2018 Beijing, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission
2010 to 2014 Algiers, Her Majesty’s Ambassador
2007 to 2010 Brasilia, Deputy Head of Mission
2004 to 2006 FCO, Deputy Head, International Organisations Department
2003 FCO, Policy Lead, Global Conflict Prevention Pools, Conflict Issues Group
1999 to 2003 Paris, First Secretary (Economics/Development), UK Delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1996 to 1998 FCO, Head, Gibraltar Internal Section, Southern European Department
1994 to 1996 FCO, Political Section, UN Department
1991 to 1993 Karachi, Third Secretary (Political)
1990 Kuwait, Vice Consul
1990 Baghdad, Consular Officer
1988 to 1990 Maputo, Information Officer
1986 to 1987 Tehran, Communications Officer
1984 to 1986 FCO, Middle East Department