Melania Trump promotes ‘kindness, compassion, positivity’ at youth conference


Washington, US First Lady Melania Trump promoted “kindness, compassion and positivity” at a youth conference, her first public appearance since her jacket controversy.

“Kindness, compassion, and positivity are very important traits in life. It is far easier to say nothing than it is to speak words of kindness. It is easier to judge quickly than to take time to understand. It is often easier to see a glass half-empty than half full,” she said at the Students Against Destructive Decisions’ (SADD) annual conference on Sunday evening.

“You have the power to be the positive force in so many people’s lives. Show respect to each other. Treat your community like your family, and look out for one another,” CNN quoted the First Lady as saying.

Trump, who met SADD student leaders before her speech, told the group that youth leadership programmes “can be such a positive influence for the future”.

The First Lady came under fire last week when she wore a jacket emblazoned with the words “I really don’t care. Do u?” on her way to an unannounced border facility visit in Texas.

It’s unclear who her message was intended to reach, her spokeswoman tweeting “#ItsJustAJacket” while the President tweeted that the message was aimed at the media.

Last month, the first lady unveiled her “Be Best” platform, CNN reported.

It outlined three predominant avenues of focus: health and well-being, kindness and safety online and highlighting the effects of the opioid crisis on children.