Putin orders cabinet to draft guidelines for Russia’s development plans


Moscow,   Russian President Vladimir Putin tasked the newly formed government to develop an efficient mechanism to implement the decree on Russia’s goals of strategic development until 2024 signed earlier this month, the Kremlin said on Saturday.

“The government must promptly draft and approve the main guidelines for its activities and key projects in accordance with the May 2018 Executive Order on National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation through to 2014,” Xinhua quoted a Kremlin statement as saying.

On May 7, Putin signed a decree for Russia’s roadmap of strategic development that sets targets of the national development in a wide range of spheres up to 2024, including improving economic growth and speeding up technology development.

Putin signed decrees appointing members of the new government on May 18.

The President demanded that the government develop a “clear and understandable mechanism” to carry out plans outlined in the decree by October 1, 2018, according to the statement.

In order to ensure the implementation of the development plans, Putin underlined that the cabinet should establish close coordination with regional management teams, civil society entities and political parties.

It should also adhere to “maximum openness” so that the public can understand the actions of the government, which will in turn contribute to the success of the latter, he added.

The decrees on Russia’s six-year plans for top priorities of national development are also known as the “May decrees”, as the last such decree was also signed by Putin in May six years ago at the start of his previous presidential term.