Combination of Dr Ritu Singh and Advocate Mahmood Pracha

Honoring Advocate Mahmood Pracha, Dr. Ritu Singh and Ashutosh Singh, office bearers of Ambedkar Bhawan Trust and Ambedkar Mission Society Punjab (Reg.).

Combination of Dr Ritu Singh and Advocate Mahmood Pracha


Professor Dr Ritu Singh and the other lower caste professors were dismissed from the University they were employed. Dr Ritu Singh Ji stood against this injustice and sat in protest outside the University. Her colleagues also joined in the protest and this protest attracted a lot of attention.

The public sympathised and came out to join in the protest which lasted for nearly six months. Credit goes to Dr Ritu Singh and her colleagues who under mistreatment of the Police, still kept protesting. The urge that was pushing them to keep protesting was to expose of unfairness experienced by them. Their cry was that under this Government the Dalit Professors are not acceptable.

The idea of selling Pakoras that had come from the Prime Minister Honourable Modi Ji was adopted but this failed to please the authourities so they kept declaring 144 to move them from the area. The public disproved in the way the protestors were being treated. Finally, FIR’s were served on Dr Ritu Singh Ji and her colleagues and eventually the protest came to an end.

Senior Supreme Court Advocate, Mahmood Pracha Ji has stood by the side of the protestors. Professor Ritu Singh Ji and Advocate Mahmood Pracha Ji since have combined together. They are both standing and voicing the issues of the down trodden communities. Their combined knowledge and experience are needed to face these changes being put across through the Courts and the Government.

The Supreme Court Judgement on the SC/ST’s creamy layer has triggered ‘Bharat Band’ protest all over India. It took place on the 21st August 2024 and has had good response. Following the protest, Dr Ritu Singh Ji and Advocate Mahmood Pracha Ji, they are both voicing strongly for the Valmikian Community’s progress. They feel that the Valmikian Community has been unfairly treated since Independence.

Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar has stood in aid of the Valmikians. The proof is that Mahatma Gandhi Ji sheltered in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir in Delhi for nearly nine months. Unfortunately, the people Dr Ambedkar Ji was concerned, they have failed to get any benefit because all the opportunities to education were withdrawn from them.

In Dr Ambedkar’s time of need, the Valmikian and the Ravidassia Communities in Punjab were close to him but unfortunately nothing is being said on this. Two people from Punjab, a Valmikian Babu Chuni Lal Thapper and a Ravidassian Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia sat on death fast in oppose to Mahatama Gandhi Ji’s fasting.

The Valmikian Community’s name always keep’s popping up whenever the question of entitlement (Arakshan) arises for the down trodden communities. This happens because a lot of history is attached with the Valmikian Community. In episodes of Ek Mahanayak Bhim Rao Ambedkar, the people with the spit pots around their necks and branches tied behind them to erase their footprints, who are they?

When someone researches into this, only then one can learn about ancient India and the reasons why the Valmikians are still lowest of the low in the society. Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji was very close to Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Ji because at that time he was the leader of the Valmikian Community.

Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji has researched deeply into the evilness that the Valmikians have endured since many centuries. He studied 125 different scriptures for the purpose and has written books on this. So now the Valmikians have their own version but it must be remembered that whatever is being taught in education is under the Aryan control. The Valimikians are part of the Adhivasi population and this claim of Bhagwan Valmiki being a Brahmin is groundless. If Bhagwan Valmiki was Brahmin than Mahatma Gandhi Ji would not have sheltered in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir Delhi for nearly nine months.

The issue at that time was concerning the Dalits and in Mahatma Gandhi Ji’s eye Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was Dalit’s Guru. Now to establish their own agendas, some are putting forward Bhagwan Valmiki Ji as a Brahmin. This is far away from reality. Why was Tulsi Ramayana introduced and why does it contain insulting remarks for Bhagwan Valmiki Ji.

Sat Guru Ravi Dass Ji has included Bhagwan Valmiki Ji in his Baani. Guru Ravi Dass Ji’s fight was against the Brahmins and if Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was a Brahmin he would not have included him in his Baani. Guru Ravi Dass Ji totally objected to hateful ideology of the Brahmins.

Even now there is a lot of hate present. In the social media is a coverage, that some Valmikians who stood in support of Supreme Court Judgement, took garlands to the Supreme Court but were refused to enter.

The reason to refusal was that if you enter the Supreme Court it is going to make it apvitar (impure) and to make it pavitar (pure again) it will have to be washed with Go-Mutar (cows’ urine). In 20th century such demeaning ideas are still being believed in and again in Supreme Courts where all should be considered same.

Following this incident, it has raised the question whether the Valmikian cases are going to be heard in the Courts or in the fields. It is a big blow for the Valmikians and they should learn from this that the hatred is never going to die out against them so they should learn to listen to the experts like Professor Ritu Singh Ji and Senior Supreme Court Advocate Mahmood Pracha Ji.

The Valmikians also need to know that in way the situations are changing UNITY matters most. Lack in education is the biggest setback for the Valmikians. To capture entitlements offered through Arakshan one needs to be educated. So, it should be the priority of every Valmikian to get educated, failing, the positions are going to keep slipping into the hands of other who are educated. This has been ongoing since Independence.

In India the situations are changing at fast pace. Unthinkable are happening daily. The rapes and the gangrapes are on increase. At one time India was famous for its religious values. It was known as the land of the Maharishis, Sadhus, Sants, Devis and Devtas. Unfortunately, now India is becoming famous for gangrapes which are regretfully happening daily.

It is hard to understand mentality of these people who group together to do gangrapes. They are worst than the animals. During mating season, the animals follow a principle and that is, the males fight and the one that wins is left alone. The others retreat.

The people who do gangrapes have no principles at all. They are so heartless that they are gangraping little children and even the senior citizens. Law and order in India will have to be improved to stop these gangrapes. The Judgements will have to fair and not in favour of the rich.

M L Teji


Jai Bharat
Mitej Teji