Ambedkarites’ flying European Tour : A Heart-warming Visit to the West London Buddha Vihara


Ambedkarites’ flying European Tour : A Heart-warming Visit to the West London Buddha Vihara

(THE ASIAN INDEPENDENT)- A group of over 40 Ambedkarites recently embarked on a tour of Europe, including visits to the Ambedkar Museum, Grey’s Inn, and the West London Buddha Vihara in Southall The group received a warm welcome reception at the Ambedkar Centre.

Dr. Sheshraj Gajbhiye, Ex-Associate Professor of Ambedkar Thoughts Department and the convenor of the group, shared his heartfelt reflections on the visit, stating, “Reviewing the activities of FABOUK, including the shrine room, library, and property, was a heart-warming and unforgettable experience. The dedication and hard work of Ambedkarites in London have created a place of refuge, learning, and spiritual growth for many. It was a poignant reminder of the impact of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s legacy and the importance of continuing his mission for equality and justice.”

Mr. Kishan Londhe, a retired admin officer from the Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai, also spoke on the occasion, expressing that “the dinner graciously hosted for us was not just a meal, but a beautiful gesture of community and solidarity.”

Mr. Santoshrao Jaurkar, a resident of Betul district, MP, who retired as a Class I Officer Engineer from CPWD Mumbai, emphasized, “As we gathered, we deeply felt the significant contributions of the to our community.”

The visit was a blend of joy and melancholy. Mr. Gautam Chakravarti reflected, “I am missing my friend in the Babasaheb mission, recalling and remembering Dr. M. R. Shamkunwar whose, along with Dr. Gajbhiye, met him in KL, Malaysia for the first International Ambedkarite Shamkunwar conference. It was a joy to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations striving for the same cause and melancholy for the realization of the long road still ahead in our fight for social justice. The camaraderie we experienced reminded us that we are not alone in this journey and that together, we can achieve great things.”
Prof. Mrs. Jyoti Gajbhiye expressed her gratitude, saying, “Thank you, FABOUK, for your significant contributions and for the warmth and hospitality you extended to us. This visit has not only strengthened our resolve but also inspired us to continue our work with renewed vigour. With a heart full of mixed emotions, I share this recent experience that has left a lasting impression on all of us.”

Pankaj Shamkunwar
General Secretary
Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organisations UK (FABOUK)