Mitej Teji


(Asian Independent)- The strands of hatred have always been present in the Hindu religion. Is it necessary to establish Hindutva through which millions have suffered since Aryan arrival? The developing of this movement is very closely observed by the world because the millions of Indians residing worldwide are going to be affected by it.

When India became independent in 1947, the British passed the control to the Indian leaders of that time. The Hindus wanted to suppress Hindu supremacy in India. It failed to please all because the other parties had also shed blood for its independence. So, it was felt that a new Constitution has to be drafted. A panel of fifteen members was formed and was chaired by Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar.

Since the introduction of the Indian Constitution, India has rapidly progressed. It is joint effort of the past Governments that has put India amongst the super powers of this world. But now the BJP is finding faults in their performances and especially Late Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru and his family is being targeted.

We must not forget that it was extremely difficult to gain Independence from the British because they were well aware that if India gets Independence then the rest will follow the trail and the British Raj would gradually crumble down.

The British Government was reluctant to give Independence and was ready to go to any length to stop it. Subash Chander Bose formed Hind Sena (army of the Indian freedom fighters) who stood against the British in India. Shaheed Bhagat Singh gave his life for India’s Independence. Shaheed Udam Singh followed General O’Dyer and assassinated him in London, in revenge of the massacre he carried out in the Jallian Wale Bagh, Amritsar.

Punjab has played a very vital role in gaining Independence of India. Today statues of the Sikh soldiers for their bravery are being erected worldwide. The Mahajbi Sikh are highly respected in the Sikh Scriptures for their bravery. Punjab is recognised for bravery all over the world.

Mahatma Gandhi Ji with his wisdom, backing of the freedom fighters and cohesiveness of the other leaders stood fast and overcame whatever the British threw at him. In the end the British gave up and declared Independence of India.

The Hindus wanted complete dominance and this failed to please all the other communities. There was uproar and this led Gandhi Ji to sit on death fast. A Ravidassian- Babu Mangoo Ram Ji and a Valmikian- Babu Chuni Lal Thapper Ji’s sitting on death fast is also on the record.

This shows that the Valmikian and the Ravidassia Communities from Punjab were also active during the Independence struggles.
The Indian Constitution was introduced to bring stability, equality and fraternity but through the introduction of this Hindu Rashtra, the goodness of the Indian Constitution is gradually disappearing because of the BJP’s influence is present in all the Government services.

The hatred against the Dalits, the Sikhs, the Christians and the Muslim is on increase. Since the BJP Government has taken over, rapes and murders have increased and the Government has failed to respond.

Since Aryan arrival which dates to about seven thousand years, the natives have been intentionally mistreated, molested and downgraded to stop them from progressing.

If the Manusmirity does take over then life for the millions in India is going to become sheer hell. They will have no voice and the given protection by the Indian Constitution would come to an end.

Dr Ambedkar had very thoughtfully drafted the Indian Constitution and it has given both gender the opportunities to progress. The Governments of the past have failed to properly implement the Constitutional Laws to various reasons and it also includes their own greed.
All the population of India need to unite if they want to stop the Hindutva taking over. Under Hindutva the future of India looks very bleak.

What is happening with Kisaans on the Shambu Border, Haryana sums it all. It is indeed disturbing to see in the manner they are being treated. Tear gas is openly being used. Rubber bullets are being fired and usage of live ammunition is also being reported. Tear gas through drones is being dropped.

A retired Sikh Soldier in the protest has rung Rahul Gandhi and complained to him that live bullets are being fired aimed at the heads of the protestors. He has been hit on the right eye and is waiting for a doctor to inspect. They are firing not to warn but to harm the protestors. The protestors hadn’t expected such a ruthless behaviour from the authourities.

Rahul Gandhi has sympathised and disapproved of the action. He has commented that what you are doing is essential to save Mother India and the Congress is standing with you.

Seeing how the Kisaans from Punjab are being treated, now the Farming Unions from all over India are coming forward in support of them. Mr Rakesh Tikket has also offered his support.

Even CIJ Respectable Chanderchud is also deeply concerned in the manner the Kisaans are being treated.
During presence of the Indian Constitution, such a behaviour is visible and it is hard to think what will happen if Manusmirity takes over. It is time to stand together to stop Mother India from slipping into dark age. INDIA NEEDS YOU NOW.

Jai Bharat.
Mitej Teji