
(Asian Independent)- India is presently going through a very critical period. The Constitution that has brought equality, progress and put India in world’s recognition is on the brink of existence. The BJP’s agenda since victory in 2014 has been to reinstate Manusimirity that was outlawed because it categorised the nation through caste system.

The Drafting Committee and Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar’s hard effort is now under threat. It has kept India intact but through Manusimirity’s arrival, the clock is going to turn back to the period when the Brahmins to maintain their supremacy in India, they introduced caste system. It spread hatred and the hatred has been smouldering within the individuals since Independence and is bound to worsen if the Manusimirity takes over.

In the past, the poor fell victim to this system but now virtually all will suffer. Belief and religion has become base of the arguments and because of this a lot of unrest is in India. Mosques, Churches and Temples are being targeted. Superiority of some through birth is being drummed in.

The BJP Government is using loop holes in the Constitution to their advantage. The laws were made by the British in 1897 to stop India’s Freedom movement. They have been ongoing since Independence and the Governments have used them to safeguard their own interests. During elections very convincing promises are made but upon success are shelved. Voices are raised against the Governments but are quietened through enforcement of the 18th Century Laws. Same is happening under this Government but is happening to an extreme level.

At that time, the British used these laws against the Freedom Fighters and now the Governments are using against their own citizens. If the Constitution survives then this area needs to be looked into. Only then equality can progress in India.

The M.P’s succeed in reaching the Parliament through the public votes. The public cast their votes in hope that the conditions for them will improve. Since Independence, the lower castes have struggled and intentionally their progress has been held back.

It is God’s blessing that the poor in Punjab had the opportunity to travel abroad for work. The death fasting of Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia and Babu Chuni Lal Thapper has played a big part. Pandit Bakshi Ram awakened the Valmikians to progress so many Valmikians also took advantage of this opportunity. Today, the Valmikian and the Ravidassia communities are well established throughout the world.

The women in India have progressed because of our Indian Constitution. It opened doors those Manusimirity had closed. Dr Ambedkar deserves the credit for this. If Manusimirity had remained after the Independence, India would not have progressed to where it is now.

Dharma is one’s own belief but for progress, education plus technical and engineering skills are needed. These can be gained only through the Schools, the Colleges and the Universities. Unfortunately, all these sources are being privatised. Thus, only the rich will be to afford and for the poor will remain as they are.

The Supreme Court Advocates and the activists are persuading the public to come out and join in the protests against Manusimirity. They are openly advising the public that if Manusimirity takes over, the future of India looks very bleak.
The Government through the Police and Agencies is spreading fear. Upon joining the Police force, the entrants are sworn to perform duty as per Constitution but now they are working against it. Instead of protecting the victims, they are seen supporting the offenders. Many cases are on the record where the Police had failed to fulfil the duty as required under Indian Constitution.

The Valmikian Community is now again coming upfront as it did during the Independence struggles. Mahatma Gandhi Ji picked the Valmikian Community and sheltered in the Valmiki Mandir (Delhi) for many months. He did sweeping to show his solidarity. Why did he pick the Valmikian Community when other communities were around? No one has the answer.
Same is happening now, Honourable Narendra Modi to mark his first You Tube appearance has chosen sweeping. He could have chosen some other occupation but why SWEEPING?

Why Mahatma Gandhi Ji and Honourable Narendra Modi have chosen SWEEPING when other occupation are around? It is quite baffling.

Is it just co-incidence or is there some force that has impelled them to do so? Is Bhagwan Valmiki Ji behind this? Iklavia’s story in Mahabharata, shows of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s might. Shree Chander Ji’s name is around today only because of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s Ramayana.

Other Ramayana are follow ups of the Valmiki Ramayana.
Bhagwan Valmiki’s Pargat Utsab falls on the 28th October 2023 and will be celebrated worldwide.
On this special occasion, I pray to Bhagwan Valmiki Ji to bless all with Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Finally I salute to all who are presenting themselves as the Valmikians and not as Valmikis. God is Bhagwan Valmiki Ji and his follower, he or she should present as a Valmikian and not as a Valmiki. My God is Valmiki. I am a Valmikian and I belong to the Valmikian Community.
Diwali has originated from the Valmiki Ramayana so I take this opportunity to wish all HAPPY DIWALI.

M. Teji