Hyderabad, (Asian independent) President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday said that the Indian Air Force is taking steps to be future ready keeping in view the overall security scenario, including challenges of fighting a high technology war in a network-centric future battle space.
The President made the remarks after reviewing the Combined Graduation Parade (CGP) of the 211th Course with full Military splendour at Air Force Academy (AFA) in Dundigal near Hyderabad.
This is the first occasion in the history of AFA when a President is the reviewing officer, according to Academy officials.
Addressing the gathering, Murmu said: “I am happy to note that our Air Force is taking steps to be ever ready, especially future ready keeping in view the overall security scenario including the challenges of fighting a high technology war in a network-centric future battle space.”
She said that the great role played by the brave warriors of the IAF in defending the country in the wars of 1948, 1965 and 1971 is written in golden letters.
“They demonstrated the same resolve and skills at the Kargil conflict and later, in destroying the terror hideout at Balakot,” the President said hailing the IAF.
She further said that the IAF also contributes to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
“Recently the IAF sprang into action despite adverse weather conditions during the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria to provide medical aid and disaster relief. Earlier, the successful evacuation operation to airlift more than 600 Indians and other nationals stuck in Kabul, involving flying and landing in a hostile environment is a testimony to the high capabilities of the Indian Air Force,” she added.