Discrimination in Interview during Delhi University: Dr. Abhay Kumar

Dr Abhay Kumar

(Asian Independent)

Delhi University: Humiliation again 

Watch the Video here 


Dear friends, the interview for the post of political science (Guest) was scheduled on Saturday afternoon, September 10, 2022. Given my previous experience, I was not willing to appear for it. But friends persuaded me to go and fight for our rights.

I reached the college well before the time. When my turn came and I entered the room. The first question was asked about my experience. I said that I had taught for four semesters at NCWEB. I mentioned that I had taught ”Comparative politics”, “International Relations”, “Comparative Political Thoughts” and “Indian Government and Politics”. I said that as a teacher I had taught all the articles listed in the syllabus of the same Delhi University and the expert could ask anything about any reading or ideas.

Friends, the first question asked by a female member, perhaps she is the principal of the college if I am not wrong, to give the full form of NCWEB! The second question asked by a male expert, perhaps he is the political science department head, is to differentiate the money bill and finance bill.

These two questions were clear indications that the board does not deserve to take my interview. My work is on minority affairs and social justice, the expert did not have any time to look into it. Had they studied it carefully, they would not have asked me finance bill and money bill questions as I have never worked on that issue. Had they asked about the larger political economy question, it might have still made some sense.

Even I said that you could ask and discuss any reading from the above- mentioned four papers but they could not ask anything. Perhaps, they themselves have not read anything!

Soon, they called a person from the office and asked him to take me out.

Having experienced such a humiliation, I felt very sad. My sadness is not because I was thrown out of the interview room but because of the sorry state of Indian academics, particularly the political science department which is headed by intellectual bankruptcy.

By Dr. Abhay Kumar

Abhay Kumar
Ph.D. (Modern History)
Centre for Historical Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi
Mobile (also Whatsapp):  +91 9868660402