Chandigarh, (Asian independent) Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday announced a scholarship of Rs 20,000 per month for two years to Anjali, a student from Mahendragarh who scored 100 per cent marks in CBSE Class 10 exams.
The Chief Minister also congratulated Anjali and her family members over video call. Khattar said Anjali has not only broken a record, but has also set a record which will be difficult to break.
When Anjali shared her dream of becoming a doctor, the Chief Minister assured her that she will be enrolled in any medical college in the country she wants.
When Anjali and her mother shared their financial condition with the Chief Minister, Khattar immediately announced Rs 20,000 per month scholarship for her.
Notably, Haryana is the first state in the country to distribute tablets to five lakh students studying in government schools.