(Asian Independent)

“Blessed are they who are alive to the duty of raising those among whom they are born. Blessed are they who vow to give the flower of their days, their strength of soul and body and their mite, to further the campaign of resistance to slavery. Blessed are they who resolve- come good, come evil, come sunshine, come tempest, come honour, come dishonour – not to stop until the Untouchables have fully recovered their manhood,”        – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

No day dawns with Happiness!
Days, months and year come and go
They become important and special
Only when we become special!
Special to ourselves!
Special to our dear and near ones!
Special to the society we live with!
Special to our Motherland!
And this is possible
Only when you remember the black past!
To create a bright future!
By redeeming our Mother India
From the clutches of casteists
From the clutches of religious bigots
From the clutches of the Fascists,
Who rule and ruin our Motherland!

Let us wither our lethargy!
Let us shed our insensitiveness !
Let us think about our unfortunate ones
Living in fear and staring at fear!
And who are starving,
Who are existing but not living
Because of state-backed thugs!
Thugs of cow vigilantism!
Thugs of lawlessness!
With the law turning its Nelson eyes!
With the law-keepers keep the law-breakers
By sharing their unlawful care to them
When the rulers remain insensitive
Neither barking at nor biting the criminals
As if nothing happens at all!

Let us not think we are safe
When your neighbours aren’t safe
Let us not think the sufferers are not we
That fateful day may not be far away
To reach you and teach you
The horrors that have been haunting
The helpless, hapless and sapless
Downtrodden! Minorities! Hapless women!
And the innocent and ignorant Hindu brethren!
Let us not hope for the best
But not without shaking the hopeless worst
Let us not hope for the best
But not without unseating the worst rulers
But by adopting the constitutional means
As advocated by the Father of Indian Constitution!
We know the mythological story
Mythology on Saneeswara!
Saneeswaras having sway over the sacred Bharat Mata!
The Saneeswaras of seven and a half years!
Let us be dutiful to save India
Let us be determined to get freed
Bharat Mata from the Sanatanist Saneeswaras!
Let us think, act and toil to achieve this.
Only then does the New Year dawn!
Only then does the New Hope dawn!
Only then does the New Life dawn!
Only then does the New Indianness usher in!

Mere formal wishes are routine
Think differently from this routines
Let us know what is life –
“Life should be GREAT rather than LONG”,
Said our Messaiah, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar!
No future without worthy feature!
No future without dedicated involvement
In the fight to uproot casteism
In the fight to uproot and bury the plaguing Fascism
Let us remember that meekness will kill us
Because “‘Meekness is weakness’’
Let us channelise our thoughts and deeds
To save India, the Bharat Mata
From being butchered and torn apart
By the brutal Thugs and cunning Fascists!

Let us wear the mask to save our life
From the deadly corona virus
Let us swear to ‘unmask’ the deadliest lies (jumlas)
To save India from the perennial ill-health!
From the ill-health of social evils!
From the ill-health of dividing the society
From the evils of superstitions!
In the name and game of Hindu Nationalism!
In the name of psesudo-patriotism!
From the reign of social injustice
Haunting the fragile social justice!

Let us regain the glorious past
The past of glorious Buddhism!
The past of Love and Compassion!
The Love of Universal Brotherhood!
The symbol of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity!
To keep the country united and prosperous!
Let us remember 1st January, 1818, the
Bhima Koregaon Victory Day!
The victory of ours against the Sanatanist Peshwas!
The Battle of Koregaon of our 800 troops
Against the troops of 28000 Peshwas!
Let us fight unitedly against Fascism!
To ensure Rationalism defeats Superstition!
To fight against crony-capitalism
Accumulating wealth by/for a few
Pauperizing the billions of commoners!
With this “Pledge” in the heart,
Let us greet each other for a
Happy, Blessed and Peaceful New year 2022!

A. JAISON, M.A., B.L.,
General Secretary
Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Rationalist Youth Movement (ARMY)
Ambedkar World Federation of Employees’ Association (AMBU) &
Buddha Dhamma Sangam.
Member, Social Justice Monitoring Committee Government of Tamil Nadu

Mob: 094430 99600