Kewal Singh Ratra

(Asian Independent)- Few years back, India was addressed as a country having vast potential to become one of the biggest economies on the economic map of the world. From the title of Third World Country to Developing nation, Our Prime Minister promised Trillion Dollars Economy to the World. Accordingly he travelled far and wide to garner support from European, Gulf and North American Countries. The sole purpose of tours of Prime Minister along with the CEOs of big Corporates was to invite investments as well as signing MoUs for finalising business ties with the MNCs in those countries. It seemed as if Mr Modi had allotted foreign affairs portfolio to PMO. Back in India , impression was made that India should project its ambitious development projects to the Advanced Countries which was hitherto not precisely explained by his predecessor Dr Manmohan Singh. But as the famous saying goes,” You can befool some people for sometimes, but you can not befool all the people for all the times.” Consequently, Indian economy crashed miserably during Corona Pandemic which was already scrambled due to thoughtless Demonetisation, unprepared GST modules and mistrust in banking sector due to scams. This was the most crucial period for the country to emerge stronger at the face of recession, unemployment and low response from investors.

Misfortune never comes alone when we recall Corona entry in India declared in mid February in 2020. Instant jumping to lockdowns without consulting the medical fraternity on Virus behaviour deteriorated the impact of the steps put in use to handle pandemic especially in densely populated cities. Central Government lead by the Ministers with non medical approach issued directives un-matching to the sympathetic approach towards low strata of the society. GDP started drifting backward as the production atmosphere was hampered under the clamped Curfew. This was the testing time for the government to rise to the occasion with proactive and long range planning , collective wisdom of all economists with expertise and supportive incentives to maintain optimum demand levels especially in the masses.

Due to the failure of the above said mechanism, India has reached to the bottom level of 117 out of the comity of 193 Nations as per the ranking by UNO report on Social Development Goals set under 17 goals. Even neighbouring countries like Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar Bangladesh have secured better positions. These goals were utmost essential for a Sustainable Growth. The main factors cited for low performance are inadequate attention towards challenges to starvation and food security. Apart from this, gender inequality, basic structural framework, heavy industries and absence of research and development were the indicators of development. India’s position on Environmental Issues is dismal too. It reflects weather, air and water pollution, sanitation, supply of drinking water, Bio-diversity and Environment management Services. India stands172 in environment health preservation. Even Pakistan is on better footing on this count.

First and foremost goal of Sustainable Growth is to erase starvation from this planet by concerted efforts by countries of the world by providing nutritious food to each Child. Children deserve to have a balanced physical growth and to control infant mortality in every country. More than 49 crore people in India suffer from food insecurity. This number gets increased in each next year reflecting indifference of the government in command. Industrialization must get top priority at policy making forums. It provides long term employment, ensures sustainable economic growth and reduces dependency on agriculture. But the cautionary point here is to protect environment from its residual wastes as well as leakage of lethal gases. It is very dangerous trend to regularize the working of those defaulting units which ignore environment safety issues and consequently resulting into deaths of hundreds of workers and damaging effects on thousands of human lives as was done in LG polymer project at Vishakhpatnam.

Disaster Risk Reduction report of United Nation records 321 natural calamities killing more than 80000 people and loss of property or displacement of more than 100 crore of people during the last 20 years. Cyclonic storms caused more damage in Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh states. Corona increased additional problems limiting the management actions. Lack of oxygen cylinders and ventilator Learning points for the present Central government in India is to lend patient ears to these facts and govern with transparency. Hiding the facts is an illusion which creates doubts and criticism of its organs at implementing level. Free flow of information wakes administration up timely for mid term corrections. But misrepresentation of facts , deliberate concealment of vital information can create devastating situation which is legally and ethically unbecoming of a democratically elected Government. Judiciary too must redefine its role in fast delivery of justice especially on the cases involving corruption and twisting of facts at the cost of human lives.

Last but not the least, third wave of Corona with variable strains needs to be dealt jointly by the Central as well as state governments like a well knit-team. There is lot of time already wasted-in politics during Assembly elections. Revival of sense of security and trust among the masses has to be ensured.

 K. S. Ratra