Bengaluru, (Asian independent) Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa on Wednesday unveiled 2,500 Smart classes in government first grade Colleges and also launched distribution of 1.55 lakh free tablet PCs to college students to promote digital learning and also to bridge the digital divide in higher education.
He handed over the tablet PCs symbolically to 10 students of different colleges while simultaneously this program was organised in other districts in the state too.
Yediyurppa said that the state government was spending Rs 195 crore under the Digital Learning Programme and these innovative initiatives are taken up to bridge the digital gap among students.
He said that smart classes will include projectors, white board, Android box, UPS and internet facility which will facilitate both teaching and learning.
He said that providing tablet PCs and creating the smart classrooms is expected to largely benefit the students belonging to economically weaker sections of society, pursuing their studies in government education institutions.
Deputy Chief Minister, C.N. Ashwath Narayan, who holds the higher education portfolio, said that the Learning Management System (LMS) at a cost of Rs 4.04 crore is a comprehensive system that will provide a platform to a unique and modern teaching and learning experience.
“The LMS is designed in such a way that it is ideally suitable to conduct both online and offline classes,” he claimed.
He said that this programme will help students studying in 430 government first grade colleges, 87 government-run polytechnics and 14 government engineering colleges in the state
“This is part of our ‘Any Time, Anywhere; learning scheme which will be beneficial for 25,000 teaching faculty and 1.55 lakh students studying in these institutions,” Narayan said.
He contended that these initiatives will helpful to resolve the existing imbalances between offline and online, digital and physical, rural and urban, rich and poor and also break English and non-English speaking (native language) barriers with respect to access for quality teaching and learning.