Truth about  Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny

-Dr. Rahul Kumar- the Senior Correspondent, Asian Independent, UK-

(Asian Independent)- Alexei Navalny is not an ordinary person. He belongs to an elite class of Russia that has all the luxuries of social life. In Moscow, he lives in an elite residential complex. Judging by the data from the real estate database, a three-room apartment in such a house costs from 37.5 million rubles. His own daughter entered Stanford University and will study there for free. The question is: who is doling out charity to Alexei Navalny family & far what? The people of Russia must ponder over it.

Alexei Navalny himself studied at Yale University, USA under the World Leader program. He not only studied there for free but also his accommodation was paid by some unknown people. He received an amount of $ 32,500 as a scholarship. An ordinary Russian hardly can think of such freebies from the American donors.

In 2012, Navalny was elected a member of the Board of Directors of the largest Russian airline Aeroflot. As  a Director, he received a huge amount of salary but his record at Aeroflot was dubious. 19.9 bitcoins were transferred to him secretly which is already in public domain.

Alexei Navalny’s family massive expenses on Thailand holidays can open up the eyes of an ordinary Russian. The data released recently by Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK) found $20,000, USD 70,000 respectively. On a trip to Egypt, Alexei Navalny spent USD 20,000. An ordinary Middle Class family of Russia cannot think of such heavy spading during the holidays. People of Russia who were earlier confounded by him & associates who have been receiving financial  donations from western powers to destabilize Russia,  now are found questioning him.

The Government of Russia has also found that Alexei Navalny is being assisted by by officials of the government of the Kirov region, in particular, an employee of the apparatus of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the region G.N. Machekhin Vladimir Badin, employees of the Federal Migration Service (FMS), in particular, the head of the FMS Department in Oktyabrsky District of Kirov, Elena Postnikova and possibly, personally the Governor Nikita Belykh.

In 2004, as a result of the Orange Revolution, Yanukovych was replaced by Yushchenko Alexei Navalny himself says that he wants to implement the “Tunisian scenario” in our country. It is pertinent to quite Former British intelligence Officer John Coleman wrote: “Any leader who comes across as a strong personality and suddenly appears to ‘save’ the nation must be treated with extreme suspicion. Remember that British intelligence had been preparing Khomeini for his mission for many years, especially during his stay in Paris, before he suddenly appeared as the savior of Iran. ”

With this kind of dirty politics financed by western powers should plunge the country deeper into poverty & hopelessness. Great leader Vladimir Putin is known in the globe for his hard work, sincerity, honesty and perseverance who pulled Russia out of deep poverty. According to public opinion surveys conducted by NGO Levada Center, Putin’s approval rating was 60% in July 2020.

Political commentators claim that Alexei Navalny has been planted by the western powers which are jealous of rising Russia. The false propaganda spread about the great leader- Vladimir Putin by these powers across the globe knowingly under the guidance & directions of US CIA  is a known secret now. Russia-India bilateral relations have moved to the next level of friendship when Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh went to Russia & struck a heavy defense deals with Russia.

It is unfortunate that USA is not happy with the defense deals that Russia-India signed. A US Congressional report has warned that India’s decision to ink a multi-billion dollar deal to purchase S-400 air defence system from Russia may prompt Washington to impose sanctions on India. The majority of Indians believe that Russia is a reliable & trusted friend of India. On the other side, the USA was and shall remain a fair-weathered friend of India.

The people of the world in general and Russians in particular must not allow politicians like Alexei Navalny to disintegrate the country that was rebuilt with great difficulty by true nationalists like Vladimir Putin. Can a corrupt opposition leader like Alexei Navalny salvage Russia from future corruption? It is a moral duty of every educated Russian to expose the fake Liberator  like Alexei Navalny  to save Russia as well marginalized Russians

P.S. I am reproducing most of the empirical data in this article published by Russian ( – Сайт хорошего настроения) with permission.