(Asian Independent)
Dear Friends,
It was enlightening to listen to Dr Narendra Nayak delivering 5th Dr R M Pal Memorial lecture yesterday on ‘ Rationalism in the times of Covid’. This annual lecture is dedicated to the memory of Dr R M Pal, former President of Delhi PUCL, former Editor of PUCL Bulletin, former Editor, The Radical Humanist magazine. His contribution to promote humanism and human rights particularly that of the marginalised sections is enormous. He not only participated in Durban Summit but also in the Vienna conference on human rights in the mid 1990s.
Dr Nayak is not merely fighting against irrationality and superstition but also had the first hand experience of Covid 19. He exposed the hypocrisy of our politicians and political class who use religion despite the well known fact that it is the medical science which is providing us hope. He exposed various myths being propagated by the some of those claiming to know ‘natural’ medicines that ‘strengthen’ our immune system.
Sharing this talk of Dr Nayak yesterday in our webinar yesterday in hope that you will find it useful.
For listening to entire talk kindly click at the following YouTube link.
– Vidya Bhushan Rawat