New Delhi, (Asian independent) Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday demanded that Prime Minister Narendra Modi ensured audit of donations made to the PM-CARES Fund, and to share the details and the money spent with the people.
“The PM-CARES Fund has received huge contributions from PSUs and major public utilities like the Railways. It’s important that the Prime Minister ensure the fund is audited and that the record of money received and spent is available to the public,” he tweeted.
His remarks came amid reports that the central government is accumulating a huge sum of money in the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund set up as a corpus to fight novel coronavirus and that the amount spent will not be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General.
The CAG office had clarified that since the fund is based on donations, it has no right to audit a charitable organisation.
On Friday, Rahul Gandhi told the media that the PM-CARES Fund should be audited and people of the country should know about the donors and the donations made.