Trump’s UNGA speech top trend on Twitter, Modi at 5th

US President Donald Trump

New Delhi,  US President Donald Trump’s speech at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) was the top trending hashtag on twitter while Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s UNGA address became the second-most trending hashtag on the micro-blogging site.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address the the UNGA was trending at the 5th spot.

Praising PM Modi, a Twitter user posted: “Pm Narendra Modi ji’s speech will be remembered in history for being one of the finest expositions of nuanced statesmanship. While invoking Buddha and an ancient Tamil poet, the messaging against terror was as unequivocal and firm. Not even mentioning the Pakistan. #ModiUNGA.”

“Watching Trump address the UN is like watching Chewbacca trying to play King Lear. It’s that grotesque. Evolution must have been pissed and off duty the night he was conceived. #TrumpUNGA,” posted another user.

Echoing similar opinion for Pakistani PM, the Twitterati wrote: “Imran khan’s Speech in 3 Sentence. 1. I need money
2. I will not pay you back. 3. I will destroy the world #UNGA #ImranUNGA #unitednation #UnitedNations.”

Khan was also trolled for an embarrassing gaffe where he referred to Modi as “President” during his maiden address to the UNGA.