Russia to respond to US moves on space militarisation

Russian Armed Forces General Staff Valery Gerasimov

Moscow,  Russia will have to take reciprocal and asymmetrical measures in response to possible threats brought by intentions of the US to use outer space for military purposes, a Russian military official said on Saturday.

According to the chief of the Russian Armed Forces General Staff Valery Gerasimov, the US intentions to use space for military purposes, in particular, the decision to form a Space Force, create prerequisites for the militarisation of outer space, Xinhua reported.

“All these actions may lead to a sharp aggravation of the military and political situation, and Russia will have to respond to the emergence of military threats with similar and asymmetric measures,” Gerasimov was quoted by Sputnik news agency as saying at a defence strategy conference.

Last month, US President Donald Trump signed a directive that directs the Pentagon to draft legislation on creating a US Space Force, which is seen by the White House as “a bold, strategic step towards guaranteeing American space dominance”.

In addition, Gerasimov said that the destruction of agreements on arms control leads to “erosion of strategic stability”, warning that the US could withdraw from more pacts after its decision on the pullout from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia.