UK Councillor visits Nawanshahr MLA to improve relations on behalf of NRI’s

Left: Cllr Varinder Singh Bola, Centre: Angad Singh Saini MLA, Right: NRI resident: Shangara Singh (Naura)
Nawanshahr, Punjab, India – Councillor Varinder Singh Bola (29) today visited Nawanshahr’s Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) Angad Singh Saini (Indian Congress Party) to forge a new friendship and establish a strong connection with fellow centre-left political activists.
Angad Singh Saini was elected in 2017, aged 26 and became as India’s youngest MLA in whereas Varinder was briefly the youngest Mayor-Elect in the London Borough of Redbridge where he continues to serve as a Councillor. Both politicians have held senior positions in student politics before being elected to office.
Both politicians spoke about their common connection to Nawashehr’s rural areas. Cllr Bola spoke about his connection to his ancestral village and how people continue to remember the good work of former congress MLA and grandfather of Angad, Dilbagh Singh.
Commenting on the visit, Councillor Varinder Singh Bola said: “There have been phenomenal changes to Nawashahr in recent years and especially during Angad’s term. I’m pleased to see Angad pushing a progressive agenda in the interests of Nawashahr’s residents and trying to improve the lives of ordinary families.”
He added: “There appears to be a mood of satisfaction in Nawashahr and a feeling of shared prosperity. I hope that Angad will visit my hometown of Ilford and meet with Nawashehr’s NRI diaspora in England.”